Just Content

on . Posted in Aspects of the Force Blog. Hits: 591

I wanted to share an interesting free text input from the ongoing Force Community Survey 2020 that really resonated with me. My thanks to whoever made it. The comment was:

A focus on improving content rather than improving format.

I took this to mean that the survey taker felt that we should just be doing content, rather than worrying about the form of content. There is a lot of truth to that and I agree totally. I’m guilty of this in a major way, worrying about how things should be done well, when the solution may just be to Do It.

To that end, the message will be taken to heart, and I will be devoting February to writing content for the Dark Aspect. Plain, old text, without worrying about if it’ll be a book or an audio book or whatever.

Writing new content is, I think, the harder part of running any website that expects new stuff on a regular basis. My own Aspect has a lot of waiting content that has been looming, and I’ve always been busy with something or another. I believe the training course has suffered for skipping the writing of content, and we’d already taken actions to correct that.

For those who are also in positions of responsibility for content, this should be a lesson as well. There are more people in our community that want to read than want to write. If you have taken on a role to contribute content to your preferred site, consider a writing habit for 2020. Spend time each day sitting down and writing, and post that where it can be read. It takes time, it’s hard, it’s risky to throw yourself out there, but it’s the core of what we do.

Tags: Dark Aspect

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