Lesson from an Iraqi Deployment

on . Posted in Aspects of the Force Blog. Hits: 1207

My most embarrassing military story I have, I’m finally going to share it with my friends on this Veterans Day:

NSTIW ( <—— Wonder how many will figure that one out,) a SPC, in the DEFAC with a newly promoted Sergeant to pick up meals for my co-workers at the detainee facility when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

It was a falling red dot, against a black mass, against ACU pattern. My reflexes snapped into gear and I grabbed the 9mm before it could hit the ground. I was so fast, I managed to do this before the weapon got past the guy ass. The weapon’s owner whirls around, the new sergeant I’m with is mortified, and the sergeant accompanying the weapons owner is trying to figure out what just happened.

As I come up, I’m ready to give this guy a piece of my mind “Where is your holster!” I wanted to demand...until...

Rocker, Rocker, Rocker, Star- oh god...COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR!

All I can do is stammer “gun, fire, falling”.

“Well...at least it was a woman and not a guy” the CSM’s driver laughs.

I’m not really sure what the CSM had to say about it. I don’t remember because it was too embarrassing 😹.

My squad was awesome in the end, though- and the CSM didn’t take my actions as being anything more than a fellow soldier looking out.

On the spot corrections shouldn’t be something we get angry about. We’re all here to help and protect each other. 🙂 And that is one of the greatest lessons I found in the Army.

What about you, Vets? Share with me below your stories and the life lessons the military taught you- even if you found them negative. We all have different experiences.


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