Corona Virus & Your Food

on . Posted in Aspects of the Force Blog. Hits: 642

Disclaimer: This isn't a substitute for conventional health science, such as wash your hands, seek out medical aid when appropriate, during the Corona Virus avoid very public places, etc.  This is merely something to do in addition to everything else.

Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Pueblo Native Americans, and many more religious groups all have something in common: Asking for Blessings over a meal.  This practice seems to have fallen out of style, but what better time to call attention to the concept during a massive worldwide health crisis?

Force Realists do not have one religious tradition that unites us, rather we have a philosophy which some perceive as their religion, and others use it in addition to their own.  That is, as many of you know, I'm Christian Jedi and therefore my blessing would be a Christian Prayer.  But I have colleagues who have pagan leanings, and therefore their blessings would follow their own pantheon.  Some are Agnostic and have no blessing at all; while others are Atheists and probably do not see a value in the blessing itself.

To the Religious, I encourage you to begin using a blessing before every meal- even when you're out at a restaurant (who cares what others think of you, your religion is between you and your god[s]).  But to all of us, I want to encourage you to not eat while you're upset.  The theory has it's basis in, admittedly, Masaru Emoto's Water studies- the idea that our thoughts can affect the properties of water.  I'm not saying don't eat for days on end because you're depressed or just can't get out of a personal funk.  Instead, I'm asking you to find something that will make you happy while you're having a meal.  Turn on something to watch which is fun, exciting or funny.  Listen to some music, pull out a book, have family at the table to have a conversation or play a board game.  Whatever it is that you can find to uplift your spirits while you eat can only bring about good things.

There is some biological function that goes along with this.  When you're happy, you have less stress impacting your body, which in turn allows your immune system to function with better ease.

I know this is a difficult task, especially if you have a ton of things to worry about.  But it can't hurt to try.

Tags: The Force

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