Planting Your Grove

on . Posted in Aspects of the Force Blog. Hits: 1954

Hello there! I’m your local Onion Knight, Sasha. As someone who has been cultivating their relationship with nature over the past year or so, I want to share with you a practice that I have been working on in an attempt to deepen my connection to the nature that surrounds me and to develop a spiritual connection to the flora that I interact with on a daily basis.


Some of you may be familiar with the Neo-Pagan practice of choosing one’s pantheon of deities based on personal connection and/or calling. Or perhaps you are familiar with the shamanic practice of revering local land spirits. My practice is similar, and I call it “Planting Your Grove.”


First, a bit of backstory. Up until about a year ago, I had the worst luck with plants. It seemed like everything I ever tried to grow died on me within a month. That all changed around this time last year. I came downstairs one morning to find that an onion that had been left out in our kitchen had sprouted. Rather than immediately throwing it away, I wrestled for several days with whether to try to grow this onion or not. Strangely, I felt as though the onion was calling to me to plant it, to nurture it, and to awaken my green thumb. So I went out and bought some soil and a pot, peeled the onion, discovered that it was actually two onions, and then planted them both. They grew phenomenally through the growing season, and my success inspired me to branch out and try other plants and to attempt to grow a garden for the first time in my life. In fact, it was these very onions that inspired the moniker I use today – Onion Knight.


Since then, I have been slowly building what you might call a ‘pantheon’ of plants who have made their presence known in my life. Whether there is some spiritual connection or not, each of the plants in my “grove” have lessons to teach me about the nature that surrounds me, as well as about myself.


To plant your own metaphorical grove, take some time to observe the world around you. As we enter into the Spring season, take notice of the changes happening around you. What plants catch your eye? Is it the stark green of the conifers that contrasts against the dull grays and browns of the deciduous trees around them? Is it the pop of color from the various early-blooming trees such as Eastern Redbud or Peach or Plum? Is it the gnarled bark patterns of Hackberry or the outstretched limbs of Oak or Maple? Or perhaps your eyes are drawn to the various wildflowers or “weeds” that surround you or perhaps pervade your lawn. Regardless, identify the plants that jump out to you and do some research into not only their physical characteristics, but also any medicinal or metaphysical properties they may possess. Are there stories about these plants that teach a lesson? What kind of personality do you feel this plant possesses? Try to connect with the spirit of the plant and be receptive to what it has to teach you.

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