Setanaoko Discussion started by Setanaoko 4 years ago
For the last few weeks, I've really dove into my own personal beliefs as it concerns my Spirituality.  And the chaos amongst churches this quarantine has caused has really gotten me into a place where I've sparked questions of my beliefs I never would have considered without the quarantine.Things like "Can you have communion over a telecast?"  I never really thought about it, I've done it before (over a decade ago), but it never really occurred to me that I should ask that question until I realized a lot of people probably won't be able to attend church on Easter Sunday.  Or "Is this the kind of time that God wants you to actually go back to Church despite the virus?".What I found fascinating about my exploring these questions, isn't that I came back with the answers (No, I don't believe I can accept communion over a telecast, others might have the faith to do so, but I don't have the faith; No, I think that as long as you aren't using it as an excuse to ignore God, God will accept that you are making the effort to show love to others by abiding by the quarantine and settle with the televised sermon), it was that I found questions I had to ask myself.  I had to ask (and still am!) some really hard questions about whether or not I have searched myself enough to be allowed into Communion.  As I came upon verses or things I read by early church fathers, I found myself asking if the verse related to my own walk.This quarantine isn't hitting me quite the same as it does others.  I have a lot of free time on my hands without the quarantine.  But many of you that are stuck at home for the first time in a long time because of this have an incredible opportunity to make a decision to use this time for your own self-exploration.  I'm curious what you're doing to advance your self-awareness during this time, and how you've ended up discovering these things about yourself.  Was it during deep meditation?  Reading a book (which one!)?  Was it something you discovered as a result of just feeling stuck?Looking forward to your responses. :)
Augustine The lockdown has given me time to rethink what I believe and what I want out of life, and it was through this process that I decided it was time to return to the Jedi Realist path. At the moment, I want to use the extra time the lockdown has given me to start my journey and see where it will lead. I feel a bit like old Obi-Wan in exile on Tattooine and will use this time, as best I can. 4 years ago

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