The FA2020 Wishlist

4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #10 by Satelle +
Since the #fa2020 channel discussion was quite loooooong, I read through it a few times and copied out what people suggested. This is the list I'm working from.
This list represents over a year of collecting input. Now that we're into the actual implementation, features requests for 2020 are frozen.
  • * Electronic interactive GBG/Jedi Sextant/Shadow Be Shadow
  • * Review the amount of channels and forums we have
  •   - Maybe Discussion Hall, Cantina (for spirited debates and topics)
  • * Easy crossover between forum and Discord (that plugin should help)
  • * Better SEO
  • * ?
  • * Journaling (personal blogs)
  • * Better identification of Mentors and tools for that
  • * Easily form user groups
  • * Integrate the Library better, add marginalia and commenting on the work
  • ** Aspect polls leading to FA polls about works that are added to the Library. Khaos makes a good point about some way to sift through garbage that might get written and that seems like a good way. Social wall for people developing ideas, and some means of marking them for consideration for voting. FA vote on Indie works too.
  • * Quotes collection
  • * (Luciana) I want an app-based platform that will let me connect with people in real time.  I pull a lecture out of the library? I see other people who are reading it and we can chat about it.  I go for a run, I can log my efforts and see other people who are also working on their physical fitness.  I record myself doing super cool aikido-parkour and can upload it instantly to all of you
  • * I do feel like the forum would benefit from having a more integrated "and here is where the final thoughts get published" space
  • * Library of works, but a means of publishing final drafts of things that may have been developed interactively
  • * it's almost like there's 3 kinds of interaction to figure out how to house - 1) real time chat about anything; 2) discussion of longer topics; and 3) items being presented for commentary. oh, 4 actually -- journaling and stuff to keep without commentary being needed/ desired
  • * It would be nice, if (given the right access level) for a wiki / lecture hall, if people past a certain point would be able to sort of scribble in the margins with notes, like a real book. I find a lot of value in that. as a sort-of example, Genius has something similar with song lyrics, where people can attempt to comment on the meaning of a certain line. (Sometimes with the actual writer coming along to straighten it out)
  • * We need a proper landing place for when people first get here. The original site had tons of insta-click lectures from every aspect, which really gave you an idea of what you were getting into, I spent many days reading that before I ever clicked the forum. I imagine people land here as it is currently, click around for 20 seconds, jump to the forum, see it's dead, and then find TOTJO or something.
  • * (Noel) Shouldn't the people who practice FA stuff be seen to somehow have improved skill, talent, success levels then other people who do not have the advantages of FA'ness
  • * Luciana: well, the overarching FA philosophy basically lies in the idea that it's a place for individuals who have chosen for one reason or another to live more intentional lives, and to be among other people who have made the same decision. Each Aspect is going to have a different idea about what that intentional living looks like, and how one measures it
  • * If I can work out how to enable people to have private groups but not slam the shutters on everything as a matter of practice, that would be great. Raven noted that being able to post videos of the Movement exercises privately was more comfortable with friends for privacy reasons, which I don't want to blast away.
  • * I mean, it doesn’t even have to be a title thing. You can maybe have to submit a work proposal to your Aspect Head, and if it’s approved, you get write access
Last edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Satelle +.
The topic has been locked.
Moderators: Setanaoko Raven

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