The First Dynasty: Darth Moor

1 year 6 months ago - 1 year 6 months ago #1669 by Paxius Dominus
<em>Originally compiled by Kronos</em>

<em>A follower of witchcraft, Moor founded the Dark Aspect at the Force Academy in the late nineties. Moor suggested a largely metaphysical Dark Side including skills and Force powers. His ideas revolve around strength of mind to manifest the Dark emotions. He preaches an age old theory of Darkness, a deeply mystical Dark Side. It leads the way into the idea of examining the self and understanding the emotions of the self.</em>

The First Dynasty was founded in 1997 and ran until 1999, under the control of Darth Moor. 


The Force Academy was originally founded as a Star Wars fan forum by “Forcemaster” – a web developer and Star Wars fan. Context is important here – During the dot com bubble, a site with enough views could be worth millions to advertisers, and that was how the Force Academy started – as a way to capitalise on Star Wars to attract enough views to be valuable.To get more viewers, the site needed content – so in an attempt to produce more content for the site, Forcemaster got in touch with the person most active on the site – Moor.Moor explained to Force Master that the people using the site weren’t interested in just talking about Star Wars – they were talking about how they could actually live as Jedi in the real world. Force Master was initially disappointed, but they spoke more and came up with a new site structure.Moor suggests they use that desire and create philosophical and quasi-religious content. After all, Lucas was inspired by multiple different religions when writing Star Wars – Star Wars was in a lot of ways the sum of all religions. Moor suggests playing off the light vs dark theme that was already emerging by creating three councils; The Light, The Dark, and The Inner (basically administrators). Forcemaster is put in charge of the Inner Council, so that he has an excuse about why he doesn’t post content. The Shadow Council is then later created. The Light and Dark council would be in-charge of developing their own material in a similar way to how covens work; Apprentices would learn the material, witches who would write the material, and the Coven Lord would rule, conducting ceremonies, governing their needs, and testing apprentices. The hope was the material would attract more eyeballs, and more eyeballs would create more ad revenue – although this never panned out, and the site became more than it’s original intention.Moor used the teachings he had developed at the Black Coven, and edited them to be Sith-centric.<strong>Beliefs and Structure</strong>Moor, for his part, took a very spiritual route when he founded the Dark Aspect. When he joined the Force Academy as a way to better his English, he was already an accomplished Witch in a coven.As a witch, when he saw people talking about the “Force”, he realised they were talking about very real concepts; Zen, Buddhism, Witchcraft – but using Star Wars terminology to describe it. Moor saw this as a route for teaching a new generation about witchcraft, and as a tool for recruitment to his coven.The First Dynasty gave structure to the Sith; providing ranks, lectures, teachers, and a place for people to become Sith. He built a “legitimate” mythology in the real-world that allowed the path to feel like it had a history (which it did, in witchcraft).His followers were split into “awakened” and “unawakened” secretly – The Dark Council only trained those they viewed as awakened, often in secret, allowing the rest of its members to exist unaware. Over time, this caused a lot of resentment from the “unawakened” who weren’t being taught anything. This led to Moor eventually assigned his apprentice, Satelle to lead the unawakened to help placate this group.<strong>Fall</strong>Throughout his term, Moor had been secretly recruiting members for his coven. Although the Inner Council knew about this (there was even a secret forum for his coven within the Force Academy), it wasn’t talked about openly. Moor aims to leave the Force Academy to focus on his coven duties, and tries to name a successor – this fails.Satelle used the growing resentment of those who were being refused training and called for Moor to be removed from his position based on his lying to students about his motives.Moor exiled himself to focus on growing his coven, occassionally still recruiting from the Force Academy, and Satelle became the next Head of the Dark Aspect.Satelle would later write:<em>First, I asked for Moor to be removed from his position because he was using the FA as a bait and switch space to recruit for his black witchcraft coven. While I don’t have anything particularly against the practice of witchcraft, it was very misleading, bordering on lying to students. Andy and I felt it was not acceptable, and Andy removed him. Incidentally, Moor and I remained friends, and I have great respect for him.</em><em>Kronos’ Musings: Whatever his faults, nobody can deny that Moor was the true beginning of this path. It’s hard to create something from nothing. But Moor did. </em><em>
</em><em>By adapting the material he learned as a Witch, Moor gave our new path a rich history and framework – what would have taken years of development, was done within a few months.</em><em>
</em><em>Regardless, of its usefullness now – having so much material available so quickly allowed us to have something to latch on to, to change, agree and disagree with. </em><em>
</em><em>It gave us a starting point to grow from.</em>Notes from Paxius: As Kronos notes, there is always respect for someone who built something out of nothing. Raising up the Dark Aspect, especially with such a metaphysical focus, established that there is benefit to the dark, and gave us parallels to draw on. Even now, Moor's works remain influential on the current Dynasty, as speaking for myself as an occultist, I find great value in the allegories and comparisons Moor drew. <strong>Moor's Secrets</strong><em>Written by Darth Moor</em><em>
</em><em>These are a collection of posts by Moor, that I think add value and understanding to his lectures.</em>First off, I must say that I am quite impressed. I only began learning more about the chakras two years ago, thereby also discovering deeper parallels to the arts of the dark side. Before, I was aware of general parallels, but refused to study the chakra as an opportunity to learn more. I thought it too light sided for me.You go on to translate the second heart as related to the fourth, or heart chakra. As the place where the dark emotions are felt. That is incorrect.The second heart actually translates as the third or Manipura chakra. It is the place where the emotions of “other beings”, i.e. animals and humans are felt. It is also the source of our link with the spirit world and the universe or “force”, from which we gather awareness and insight. Interestingly, there is controversy if the chakra is located at the solar plexus or the naval. In the arts, it is both: When feeling the emotions of other beings, these come to us from the solar plexus. When interacting with spirits or the universe on a more fundamental level, the insights arise from the naval. This is also where you can now resolve your perceived controversy: it is both the source of received emotions as the place where they are physically felt.The fourth, or heart chakra also finds application in the arts. It is where we feel the dark emotions of our self-generated anger and hatred. These energies serve several purposes. One is to take advantage of the chakra in terms of our seat of passion. Passion is energy, anger is energy. Both can be aligned to fuel a self propelling engine or circuite. Second is to align our anger with the chakra in terms of our seat of devotion. By aligning anger and devotion we create again a self substaining circuite that allows us to strengthen our self appreciation and helps us to become more focused, the angrier we get.These alignments are important to calibrate the relationship between concious thought and our spiritual link. In many pictures you will find the heart chakra shown as a David Star, as two intersecting triangles. Often these are explained to relate to the male and female principles. I would describe it differently, but with clear parallels: The triangle that points downward funnels our conscious thought through an emotional filter into spiritual energy. The triangle pointing upwards helps us funnel the intuitions and emotions we receive into conscious thought. The self substaining circuites we generate in the middle, serve again twofold: One is to fuel the exchange of energies between the planes. Two is to wash out any other emotions within us, in order to more easily identify and understand perceived intuitions. It is always easiest to see a white spot on a black canvas.That is why most spiritual paths seek the absence of emotion as their “white canvas” to identify an externally received insight. We do the opposite. For many reasons again: practicality, ideology, further alignment with the dark side of both the spirit world and the force. But your canvas needs to be one color and hatred is considered the physically strongest emotion of all (here a clear reference to your “electrical impulses” as well as heartbeat and blood circulation). But you were again very close about “reprogramming the body to become a catalyst”.This practice of course leads to negative side effects for the body, as you discuss in the rest of your essay. It is correct that an “overloading” of the body does occur that begins to deteriorate your health after several years. This is why the arts also teach the aspect of self healing. With a growing exchange between conscious and subconscious mind, the dark knight learns to actively guide his body. Reducing an awareness for pain is usually the first step, but controlling bodily functions and energies to substain the forced redirection of your energies is the goal. And if practiced correctly, these can be substained for as long as the art is practiced.Accordingly, the body does not require to acknowledge the full portfolio of human emotions. The mind, is a seperate matter, but one that is addressed just as efficiently.I also found proof in this later on, as I gained experience on my developing path now. When I began my course as a healer, my chakras received an attunement to new and different energies. During the attunement, I actually felt a physical movement inside of my torso. As if my chakras physically changed direction or alignment. It was only after this induction that I learned about the chakras and came to understand how I had most likely used them before.<em>Darth Draeth wrote: However, what i find particularly interesting is the bit about overloading the energy conducts of the body by artificially feeding energy into it, by autosuggestion and emotional feedback. This was my main criticism to the dark arts as practised in your time. You mention that there are techniques to counterbalance the negative effects of the dark arts. I think, for those who have learned these practises from you, it is essential that you provide, or at least point directions, to where these balacing techniques can be found, or where can they be learned.</em>It is essential and this is where the apprentice-to-be encounters his first test. I’ve been reading your work on my presented material. You are not the first to conclude that it is dangerous and the information presented to the public is indeed incomplete. Previously, I was never allowed to comment on that as it would have gone against tradition. As we are sharing an honest moment, let me also share this piece on teaching and ethics.The dark side in my previous teachings is around the strong superseding the weak. Strength is not something that is claimed, but that is developed. Ambition fuels it. Personal wants. But the true sith serves first and foremost the dark side and accordingly has the obligation to utilize his potential and prove his worthiness before receiving power. Knowledge and power go hand in hand. Translate knowledge in this context with (self) awareness and you get my meaning.Public transcripts on the arts are designed to serve a purpose: They are to catch the attention of the potential apprentice. They mean to resonate within him, addressing his wants and desires for himself, but also inspiring him to grow beyond self servitude. Anyone who begins to study the path will come to an inevitable conclusion: Some of it has merit. Truth be told, the reader agrees that it is more than that. A potential for something greater. Something that can be theirs. But what is presented is also flawed. It is incomplete. And here the first test: Will the candidate “be mindful”. Will he conclude that it has truth. He can travel only to a certain point. Will he comprehend that it is by design, by intent. If he is mindful, he will. Most will unfortunately conclude that it is because the philosophy is flawed. That is what they say but usually not what they feel. They are proud. They are envious. They know that going to the source and asking for knowledge means that they must admit their inferiority and bow down in servitude for the time of their apprenticeship. And when pride supersede’s ambition, the candidate will fail. For he is weak in truth and does not have the strength to be considered worthy. He will linger. Perhaps float for a while. Try to untwine what he has learned and incorporate it into something else. But he will not succeed. But if the candidate is mindful, then despite his pride he will come back to the source and seek apprenticeship. Such are the workings of the dark side. And an important lesson it is. For he will need all his strength when we begin to jointly bend and twist his inner being. His mind, body and soul. Dramatic words? Yes. The truth? On so many levels.Reading what I wrote, I hear the old me talking. I will stop here as I should also be mindful to maintain my own distance and liberty. For the dark side is always tempting.So…let’s come back to your original point. :)The balancing techniques are taught during apprenticeship. This is a more complex topic although, so kindly bear with me as I view it from different angles.In a first step, practice is always the best teacher. Now that you have linked the second heart to the third chakra, if you go back to my meditation techniques I think you will come to enjoy a deeper and more comprehensive experience.In terms of doing, self healing happens on two levels. One conscious the other unconscious.First the conscious: You begin the dark meditation, allowing the energies to flow up from your third chakra. And then you visualize. Usually we start teaching the example of how to remove a headache.A headache usually occurs when the veins in your head draw narrow. Nicotine, hang over, migraine. The blood flow pulsates, it doesn’t flow freely. Invoke the dark meditation. Draw the power upward. Visualize how you see the vein pulsating. Visualize how you see the flow become more steady. As you relax the vein. The blood pumps normally. The pain subsides. This is good for all common and stress related topics. Headaches, stomach pains, kidney problems. But can be applied on anything really. I’ve had limited success in those days healing other people or regarding myself, the common cold. But the art includes many talents and we are not all equal in our applications from person to person. Perhaps you will do better using the arts to heal. Important is to understand what it is in your body specifically that needs to perform in a different way.The unconscious one is something that develops over time. Curing your headaches often enough will also lead to you having them less and less often. Same as for your other worries. It just happens. Previously my theory was that the dark meditation aligns your subconscious mind with your conscious thought (which it does). And that your subconscious mind “learns” what it is you want, thereby reprogramming other parts of your mind. In my case, as a teen ager, I suffered often under migraines. Since I was an apprentice it has never happened again. Six months after they were gone forever. A year later I could drink without a hangover. These affects have stayed with me until today.But on the unconscious, my theory today would be different. Today, I have learned to heal others, using other energies and have a deeper understanding of healing than previously. I would put my theory forward as follows:In Reiki, we believe in three important aspects of the mind: the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the divine self, or ueberich. I am including the shadow as part of the subconscious mind here. The divine self is our higher self. It understands all our wants, all our needs. It understands all that occurs on the physical, emotional and spiritual level of our existence. It has all our knowledge and memories and knows how to heal us as well as what decisions are best for us to take.The subconscious mind takes in all it is we refuse to accept or are not open to process. In the arts, one of the fundamental teachings is to align your subconscious mind with your consciousness. Many emotions are in the end signals, because we are trying to tell ourselves something. Many psychological techniques suggest that if you acknowledge the message from your subconsciousness, and acknowledge the root cause, the emotion, eg. fear, worry will fade. This is true if practiced on a regular basis.This is the first step. As it will reduce the psychological need for many emotions. You plan to be angry all too often. Other emotions will have trouble getting through. You need to be as close to your subconsciousness as possible to lessen the pressure your subconscious will begin to build up. So far so good. Now comes the more radical part of it.Even if you want to. It is not easy to be as angry as often as you want. You can be angry at the world, at wrong doings or certain people for a while. This is all appropriate imagery. But we all know that the power of imagery usually fades with time. So you need imagery that gives you every day new material to process to keep you going. And this is where you inevitably come to hate yourself. Not in terms of our true being, your soul, if you so will, but in terms of your own limitations and weakness. This drives you to focus on your strength, this gives you an unlimited supply of imagery, for all the small things that you could have done better that you see every day.Obviously, that kind of behavior is going to send a rather large surge down the line. If you have a good and strong link to your subconscious, it can not build up there. It’s not like you’re refusing to believe you hate yourself, you are aligned, so you know you are doing this. And with that, in my current opinion, it passes the subconscious mind and goes straight to the divine self.I never knew of the divine self before. But I knew, back in the day, that high ranking masters spoke of “the beast” that exists next to the conscious and subconscious mind. Practical studies I participated in regarding hypnosis and emotional reprogramming were supportive around this regarding the “Valleys” of other witches.Here, I only know the literature in German, so pardon my weak translation. There are very simple hypnotic exercises. The patient is put into a light state of hypnosis. He finds himself in a clearing or forest. He wanders and explores, often seeing manifestations of what is occupying him in his subconscious mind. This was a baseline exercise for many applications. One of them is to wander off the clearing and deeper into the forest to seek “the Valley”, where the subconscious mind touches onto other planes. On several occasions, visiting the valley brought us to a place, often a castle or prison with guards on the walls. This is very unusual in psychology. More unusual that if the person hypnotized is guided more towards that location, these guards attack. This is always where the experiment needs to be aborted. You can not allow the person to be attacked by his subconscious mind. In some of these sessions, there was a verbal warning or dialog between the person and the guards. We steered him to have the conversation in the hope of finding out more. What they all said is that they are guarding a “prisoner”. Someone who is not allowed to walk free. Someone who must be kept imprisoned for the sake of the person. The beast. I would conclude today that the beast is potentially nothing other than the divine self. And any prisoner can be forced into guided labor.In short I believe, the divine self corrects the imbalance the user causes to his own body. By means of the conscious and subconscious feeding instructions into an ueberich that is continuously trying to compensate for the illness of self hatred. All physical illness in healing is believed to have its origin on the emotional plane. The user does not actually fall sick because of his self hatred. He falls sick for the anger and practice of generating the dark energies. But if all hatred is focused around the self and the subconscious has nothing to rebuke, there is only the ueberich. And there the divine self would try to heal any illness residing from such hatred. It would logically try first to move the person away from the negative exposure and influence. But if the person would be too determined and the subconscious can not unload the uberich, then exactly this might happen.Dangerous. Probably. Is it worth it? From a dark sider stand point on this path: If you can do it, it is in your potential to do so. If it brings benefit to your strength and power, then you are only utilizing an option that has been given to you.And while again the above may sound dramatic. All masters I know on this path, live perfectly fulfilled lives, and in good health.<em>Darth Draeth wrote:When you first started down this path, what drew you to the dark arts?</em>I believe there are only two types of dark siders. Those that take on the path for personal gain and those who do so for reasons of ethics. The latter being the far more driven.Before I started on this path, I was a strong believer in God and often felt his presence around me. I was good, compassionate and humble. I believed in his wisdom and power and in the justice he provided for mankind. As I grew older, I became critical of that justice. The wrong ruled the right through hardship. And the right would bend and beg to be acknowledged by that wrong and betray their own beliefs. You could see it in countries and cities, in adults and children. In all things big and small.I knew of his teachings and that he was testing us. We needed to accept a life of hardship and fight temptation to earn our place in heaven. But I was not able to pass the wrong I saw without intervention, without reaching out in compassion and protection to support those not able to fend for themselves. The more I involved myself the worse things became for me. I developed enemies. And they succeeded in applying pressure on my environment until I was fending alone. Even those I helped and supported would not take up arms in my defense.It was then one night, when I could take no more. I had appealed to God many times for a sign of his support. Not to resolve my problems, but to grant me inspiration to carry on. Not for favors, but for a touch of his proclaimed justice. But God was silent in his indifference. I grew upset. Had I not tried to live his teachings? More than tried, had I not stepped forward when all others would only hide or even throw themselves at their own tormentors? And I was not fickle-minded, I had carried on stoically for a long time. For we all understand the difference between good and evil inside us. We all know what is right and when we should act. But he remained silent.And it was then that I felt inside of me and felt that he was wrong. I did deserve a token of his attention. I did deserve his guidance if not protection, for it was his road upon which I travelled. It was not only for me, but to also find the strength to continue and help those still out there waiting for someone to release them of their sorrows. I got angry at this point and opened a dialogue. I challenged him for his indifference. I challenged him for his inconsistency. But he remained silent. And it was then that I renounced God and his teachings. I declared that I would step away and never in future support him as he was a deceiver in my eyes. I cried myself to sleep that night, for all the pain I had absorbed willingly in his name. And for the fact that I felt his presence no longer.It was a few weeks later. I had just finished watching a movie with a friend and was walking on my way home. It had been a horror movie and I was in deep thought. The bad guy had made a reasonable impression. They killed him in the end, which I thought was more a stroke of luck than anything else. But he had been impressive throughout the movie: Careful planning, precise action and looking good while doing it. I had to say that my wants matched his abilities more than the teen age beach bums who defeated him.I reached home and looked at the empty place where I had previously had the crucifix in my room. And it was then that I felt a different presence with me. And it wasn’t the presence of God.Half a year later I met someone who knew all about darkness. And he had all the answers I was looking for. And with this, I began my path. If God had no justice to offer, then he was not one to be followed but opposed. And those who followed him needed to understand the universe for what it truly was. The choices we had and we could make. And how these choices would make us stronger and better and give us the power to set out our own justice. I had been liberated and shown a path that would allow me to still my pain and empower me to release others of their sorrows. True, there was a price. But this one at least admitted it was business and did not pretend at anything else.In 22 years, I have never before told this story. I hope you appreciate it for what it is.<strong>Moor's View of the Force</strong>What is the Force?There are many diverse opinions on what the force is. What started out as a vision of George Lucas has developed into a multi-cultural and in-depth philosophy emphasizing a multitude of aspects and theories based on the portfolio of mankind’s spiritual legacy.Meeting different people pledged to studying the force, we also encounter many different core considerations. Some believe eastern teachings, reflecting the spirituality and lore of philosophies such as Zen, Tao and Chi, represent the best roadmap to explain the force. Others take a more western approach, looking at Christianity, Druidism and even Witchcraft for the right answers.Within the force again, the practicing majority agree that different aspects exist, defining the moral values any student should follow. Some believe the force should be studied to do good in the world, others believe it is solely a personal path to mainly benefit own and individual goals.While the communities agree and consolidate all such initiatives under a joint brand, acknowledging equal value for each concept presented, there is little information provided on theories trying to encompass a holistic view, describing the force in its entirety. This post is devoted to that goal.At this point and before I proceed, I would like to mention the perhaps obvious disclaimer: That these are only my own personal thoughts, based on my personal and individual experience studying the force and by no means intend to represent an absolute truth or represent a majority opinion on anyone’s behalf. The presented theory is not a comprehensive answer, but only an attempt to connect certain dots and present a pattern and next level model for personal consideration. I would also like to highlight that this theory is currently in what I would refer to as a draft status. The focus point of consideration is the logical and spiritual contents, in the understanding that the mentioned theory requires further refinement before it can be ideally presented as teaching material.The force represents the universe in its entirety. Including all living beings as well as the energies existing between all matter, living beings and the universe itself. In its core, I see the force as a polar trinity of energies. Imagine a diagram of a point in three dimensional space. You have three axis determining its position. One axis represents Good and Evil. The second axis represents Order and Chaos. The third, Life and Death. In the middle, the center point and intersection of all three axis, you find your average human being. In a first step, I would like to outline more around the axis and the forces they represent.Many people believe that physical beings, eg. human beings, are not the only form of sentient beings in existence. They believe there are powers, deities and other forms of sentience that are accessible to us, representing certain moral or ethical values and intentions. Regarding terminology, I would like to distinguish between Sentient Entities and Energies. The Sentient Entities being non physical forms of cognitive life that exist within the universe. Energies being a form of power that can provide and fuel, but that also represent a direct or indirect part of these Entities. An extension of their will. But one that also connects with other living beings and influences them.If I try and summarize the historic development of the universe, to further outline the above, I would see it as follows. First there was the universe. It was there, but it was empty . And I will leave the question of who or what put it there aside for now. What did exist within the universe at that time was raw energy. Without direction or purpose. This perhaps being by definition the origin of Chaos. As the energy further stabilized, it began to separate, distinguishing different forms of energy with their own first patterns and behaviors. This again, potentially marking the birth of Order.As these first Energies grew in age and diversity, contributing further to their complexity and purpose, first matter came into existence. Gases developed creating stars and matter. Some things came into being and some again became unstable and dissolved. This again potentially marking the birth of Life and Death in terms of creation and destruction. While it is tempting to argue that destruction is nothing but Chaos, the opposite is untrue. Creation is also a matter of Chaos. Out of given energies, a change must occur. A pattern needs to reshape and redefine itself to create. It can be argued that a form of Order is developing out of Chaos, but creation is movement and thus, not Order by definition. Therefore I have considered it as part of the more traditional terminology of Life and Death.So at this point we have Energies with a purpose. A program that they follow, interacting with each other, whereas the dominant manifestation of one source of Energy began to dictate physical occurrence in the universe. With age, the sum of each Energy, expanded in an ever-complex pattern throughout the universe, eventually developing its own sentience. This is a point that can be obviously argued and is certainly a point of controversy. In my personal beliefs and theories, anything that exists for long enough will develop sentience.Let’s say you would throw a piece of toast on your front lawn. It will grow moldy, it will decompose and become a part of the soil. At the same time, the soil will offer by-products: grass will grow out of it; maybe bushes and trees. But also bacteria, which is nothing other than Life. Bacteria will develop eventually into more sophisticated life forms. Water creatures, later land animals and eventually human beings. Somewhere along that line sentience developed out of our piece of toast.If you take a stone, the same thing will happen. Granted we need maybe some more time. Some wind to turn it into sand. Some rain to turn sand into mud. Inevitably you are granted soil again, or at least algae growing on the side of our original stone. I concur that this is not a comprehensive answer, but explains the gist of what I am getting at. Everything eventually becomes alive with its own energies that it encompasses but also adheres to. If this is true for physical matter, which is just a reflection of energy, why should it not be equally true for energy itself.Coming back to our Energies. Our existing Energies at this point, with their own program and intent as well as a growing sentience. Not all energy is always applied in full utilization. There are always remaining energies, a by-product that disperses and is recycled back into the whole. If we allow for existing Energies to have achieved sentience then in the end we must allow for the same regarding their by-products.The Energies continued to diversify and develop into more and more forms. Each form weaker than the parent it came from (principal of dividing energy). At some point there was a mesh of energies indirectly supporting the overall expansion of the universal program. From Chaos would come Life that would continue to expand in its manifestations. A pattern and Order of its own. These new energies, this mesh, focused on the preservation of these activities, and given enough age, developed a sentience of their own. And thus what was considered Good and right to occur in the universe became defined. As each energy must have its opposite in equal measure, a different mesh of by-product focused on the destructive aspect of the universal programming. The more action occurred in terms of productive expansion and Order, the stronger opposing forces would need to develop to support an equilibrium and balance. From this nature of opposing Good Energies, came in simplified terms, the Energy of Evil.As the universe continued to unfold and Energies continued to produce their own offspring of sorts through a mix of mentioned by-products, first independent sentient beings developed. Made of incorporeal energies, and with a far more diverse pattern in terms of programming and behaviors, beings developed that we would refer to as deities.And this assumption rings true as well if we revisit our own historic religions: Almost each religion and god or pantheon offers a story of creation, where the gods were born by the parents of Life, creation, Order and other defined energies.The deities existed in the same framework of polar trinity. Depending on the underlying energies of their birth, and what they chose to associate themselves with, they can be profiled in our three dimensional diagram. Each deity known in history can be mapped out. Did he or she stand more for Good or Evil? Each one had a closer affiliation with Life or Death as well as Order or Chaos. Were they preservers or destroyers for mankind.And here I make also a clear distinction that their birth pattern played as important a role as their conscious actions. I align with something I read from Jediknight G the other day. The more we do Good and think Good, the more we become aligned with that power, force or Energy. The same goes for Evil. The same goes for any other alignment within the trinity. The same goes for human beings as it does for deities. Some deities were more distinct in their alignment towards the trinity. The Midgard-Serpent will one day devour the world (Death). He has little else to add or which he seeks. Zeus on the other hand was more sophisticated in his alignment. He created man (Life), but also didn’t hesitate to punish his foes (Death, Order). The Christian God in the old testament seems to be more harsh, apparently focusing more around Order than around Good, which becomes later his dominant role in the new testament.Again, this part of the theory makes further assumptions. That the deities allied and battled each other, and eventually turned their attention to mankind as an extension of their battleground.Which is where the ever forming creation of lesser Energies inevitably lead to. The first cognitive sentience that did not have enough energy to sustain itself without a physical shell, i.e. human beings.Looking at the above assumption that opposed Energies would try and hinder each other, it is logical to assume that deities would do the same based on their alignments.With that humanity came into the picture. Our own as well as potentially that of other worlds and their version of a corporal sentience. And as perhaps the older Energies did unto the deities, so did they try and do unto us. Approach us and explain what they stand for and seek that we align our own behaviors and core with the values (pattern of the alignment) they stand for.But no matter how the deities aligned themselves according to our diagram, they would have one dominant axis of alignment which is usually what they became famous for and is the dominant Energy they project.A valid question here is: why serve? What is the purpose or benefit for a deity to have a human align himself to a specific Energy. I believe this has to do with trying to further and nurture the strength of that Energy. If we simplify again: A Good god approaches you and wants you to do Good. Your actions, behaviors and thoughts continue to align yourself with the Energies of Good. It strengthens your link to it, over which you receive more and more guidance from your deity and the guiding principle, as well as your energies and by-products flowing, recycling back to the Energy you are aligned to most. This is probably valid in life as much as in any form of afterlife. Although logically, and regarding the big picture, no Energy can supersede the other without potentially putting the universe as we know it at risk, it doesn’t mean they wouldn’t try. We all know we are going to die one day, but still we try and do something meaningful with our lives, in accordance with our personal values. To support certain things and oppose others. We are fundamentally the same as deities in terms of our basic programming (if on a lesser scale). Which brings me back to our diagram.What are the aspects of the Force?Regarding the aspects, we distinguish between the Light, Dark and Shadow side within the force. In our diagram, I would consider the light side an area, including the area from the center to the end of the poles for Life, Good and Order. This is based on both the original information provided by the star wars universe, as much as it is based on how we see the Light Side practiced among its followers today.In the star wars universe, we encounter jedis as protectors of peace; as warriors, scholars, diplomats and advisors. They follow a belief in a natural Order, accessing the force to seek guidance and insight. The jedi believe in peace and prosperity, in love and kinship as key values. They strive to protect and support what is Good in the universe, encouraging others to seek the same. They believe in the power and beauty of Life as the unique creation of the force.The people following this path mutually follow the path as scholars. They study the force and offer advice and teachings to those seeking them out. But then we begin to see the differences in terms of which areas within the Light Side they take the most interest in. Many come from Christian background. They believe in the prevalence of Good, the importance to distinguish between right and wrong and nurture right in both own behavior as in the advice given unto others. Some come from a more esoteric background, from pagan belief systems, bringing with them ideas and concepts supporting the importance of creation and preservation of life.Again many turn to the east, embracing traditional philosophies around Zen, Tao and Chi. Mind over matter, karma as the pathway to follow. From my own experience with eastern philosophies, I consider them most closely affiliated to Order. There is a destiny, a path that we all follow. Karma is the reflection of how we deal with that path. And while the path, as a reflection of Life will include its highs and lows, importance is given to maintaining inner peace. It is most important to maintain an inner balance, following a higher direction and Order. While events happen and emotions are incurred, it is about preserving balance within the inner self. We grow by the Good we encounter and make a part of ourselves. Change (Chaos) is often an important part of this. But we are also to let go of that which is negative and undesirable. The path is one of change, but the goal is to maintain Order despite the storm around us.In many regards, with time, these cornerstones have become a weave of fabric which all graze with their fingers and clothes themselves in as they travel on their path through Life.The Dark Side accordingly covers the area from the center to the end of the poles for Evil, Death and Chaos. Again, we find support of this both in the original star wars characters as well as the followers of the path today.In the movies, we find quite obviously the theme of supporting Evil for its own sake. Anakin Skywalker turns to the dark side as a result of his experienced pain and his inability to process it successfully. He brings terror and fear to others, so that they shall feel as he did. Bringing pain and suffering for its own sake is the very root description of Evil. We find death, in terms of what the sith bring to their enemies (destruction) as much as in their own philosophy. They take on every risk and challenge to further develop their own strength (Chaos), they maintain Death as a close companion. Any equilibrium they encounter, they try to disrupt. The only balance they achieve is within the Empire, but that only with two of them left and directing their order and will unto others.Among the followers of the Dark Side, we find similar concepts. Many, I believe, focus actually on Chaos. They enjoy challenging the status quo, playing the devil’s advocate to test boundaries and gain a glimpse and insight of what lies beyond. Some do this for their own benefit, some to disadvantage their victims. You will find more esoteric practitioners in these ranks, many studying power and methods of achieving it. They tend to dissect human kind both physically and emotionally, detached and callous towards those they experiment on. They do this to fuel their own skills and powers, to sharpen the blade with which they bring destruction to any opposition. The relationship they entertain with destruction and Death, as per our definition, is a classical mark of their handwriting. Both in terms of their goals and action.And then there are those who serve the Dark Side. Either in return for benefits acquired or for servitude’s sake. And with that, Evil grows within them and among them and is what they bring unto others and mankind.The majority of current day followers of this path touch upon all three fields, again showing that there are roots, as well as a joint culture which has developed thereof.The Shadow Side is not an aspect originally supported by the movies and the star wars universe (to my knowledge). And this is the aspect most difficult to pin point and define in terms of their culture. In our diagram I have concluded that they are themselves in the center, equally exposed to all poles. The difference to our “average human being” that has no (conscious) knowledge or relationship with the force is the way they experience and practice within their specific area. They create their own perimeter around the center point, equally seeking involvement and distance from each of the energies they are exposed to. They will embrace Chaos considering change a way of Life. They will focus on maintaining Order despite the storm around them. They will act in accordance with Good and Evil, believing there is justification in neither and both. They will look at Life as the path they travel on, but welcome Death and destruction as an inevitable step and encounter in their journey. From Death comes rebirth and the path continues.Again the above focuses on what we predominantly expose ourselves to in terms of the Energies around us. These are our main focal points. But the diagram is more, giving us opportunity to also map out our own nature and thus understand our relationship towards others. As the deities, so do we have our own profile within the diagram.If I look at my previous days, Evil would have been the power I most strongly aligned myself with. But seemingly contradictory, I also possess(ed) a strong sense of Order. I do believe in Chaos in terms of change, but seek to establish Order in all that I outline and teach. Life and Death I always respected in equal measure. And while on the one hand I supported creation through my teachings and apprentices on that path, I applied destruction as well to those who opposed me and stood in my way.Satelle on the other hand, as I would profile her in this example, didn’t give much importance to Evil. What she did was to support her own position and expand on the opportunities and benefits at her disposal. But in her methodology, I would also rank her high on Order, which is probably the best example of why we still got along and always maintained respect for each other’s work, as differently as they valued the importance of Evil or lack thereof. Satelle’s relationship with Life and Death, Creation and Destruction. She would destroy to dissect, to learn and understand, but more in a scientific sense. On this axis, I would place her more towards creation and Life. For all her endeavors focused on developing and creating a unique methodology.Richard is again different. By now I believe everyone has noticed how little we seem to get along. Richard doesn’t think much of Evil either in my point of view. He is strong in Chaos, which opposes my sense and striving for Order. In terms of Life and Death I would score him a bit more on the side of Death. I do see that he doesn’t hesitate to try and destroy something if he believes it will bring him additional insight. But I see no true creation of Life that he brings forward from his teachings. Of course, this is more based on his earlier workings as I’ve not seen any of his newer material. But if you look at the three of us, depicting us next to each other, you can see both what we have in common as much as what sets us apart. Maybe a fun suggestion for you to try and score yourself in the diagram and compare with people in your own environment. Both people you like and perhaps less appreciate.And this is where I’ll stop for now. There is certainly more to discuss at this point: How does our exposure to the poles change us? How much choice do we really have in all this? And my favorite: Is it then better for us to strive to be in the middle, or towards the outer rims, as far down the poles as possible? These and other subjects I will expand on, if there is interest in going further down the rabbit hole presented above.I appreciate the time you’ve taken to read and potentially reflect on this. Please do let me know your feed-back, as I mentioned it’s currently still a work in progress. What parts do you agree with? Which do you oppose? Where have I perhaps not outlined with enough consistency or enough detail? The benefit of sharing this with a community of scholars: To have the opportunity to bring the best out of myself and my own workings.<em>Darth Draeth wrote:Why do you equate the dark side with evil?</em>I don’t equate the two, but I do believe that Evil is part of the dark side.<em>Darth Draeth wrote:Similarly, it should not be hard to find lightsiders who lean to evil: they are the hypocrites, those who spout their moral code at every chance, who associate themselves with everything which is holy and pure… but who, in the end, are dodgy themselves, resorting to all around nastiness whenever their agenda meets opposition.</em>I understand the logic of the model you present, but I would see it differently. The “light sider” you describe embraces symbols of power, to strengthen the authority and control he has over others. If we abstract the symbolism used, as the tool it is, I would characterize him in one of three ways.1.) He is indeed Evil and consciously misuses the authority others grant him in good faith.2.) He is drawn to the Order the symbols and related structures represent but is not true to their teachings. This can be something the person is perhaps not even aware of.3.) The combination of 1.) and 2.)<em>Darth Draeth wrote:Does this mean that when you responded to the title of Darth you were in fact evil?</em>Yes. In case you hadn’t noticed. <em>Darth Draeth wrote:I do not know if this is the case, i can only speak for myself and say that i am, in no way, evil, even though i am dark all the way.</em>As per my definition, a dark sider has a dominant interest in one of three areas: Chaos, Death or Evil. His remaining attributes can relate to any pole(s) of the trinity.A sensitive topic certainly, and potentially a daring move on my behalf, but I could also understand your statement as a question. The question of how I would profile you in my model. I’ve certainly not known you long enough, but if you’re asking for my current perception, here you go:You have a sense of Good in you. You believe in helping and protecting others, as you state yourself. You do have a sense for rules and conduct. I don’t believe you follow them purely for tactical purposes, which implies that you have a true code of conduct you believe in. You don’t seem to me to score high in destruction. You would if prompted to. Self defense or perhaps for the lesser reason of personal desire. But you also value creation. I would say these two hold a reasonable balance, with a slight tendancy towards creation (Life).I would rank you third, with a balanced view, on the pole of Life and Death.I would rank you second on Good.Which means that you rank first on Chaos. And again, Chaos perhaps appearing to be a negative word, let’s replace it with Movement and Change for now.You follow a certain Order, but your path is about gaining diverse experience. You enjoy expanding your understanding by absorbing alternating viewpoints. This helps you discover elements you wish to absorb and make your own. I agree this could be true for most people, without them aligning predominantly with Movement and Change. Unless Movement was an essential, fundamental principle of your path. Which is where I would bet my money, even if a longshot. This shows also in your statements of moral relativism and your flexibility to set out your own behavioral rules, situationally as they appear appropriate, from your own perspective.

Power is in the balance of Darkness and Light

Dark Master
8th Dynasty Dark Council
Last edit: 1 year 6 months ago by Paxius Dominus.

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