Finding the Force Outside of Star Wars

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It is not surprising that many people who first hear about Jediism, react with ridicule. One of the primary reasons for doing so, is that we take the name from a movie that has some rather unrealistic attributes to it-i.e. "the Force". "The Force" is often a discussion I find myself in, when one discovers my religion. If it happens to me, then I know it happens to you. So how do you combat everything someone comes at you with when you talk about "the Force"? A percentage of you probably shy away from the subject. The rest of us will hone in on the idea of Chi, and explain it from there.

Unfortunately, that hasn't seemed to get through to people. Because the next question I'm faced with is: Why not call yourself a Taoist? What I have found, is that giving more than one example of the Force found in the world, tends to get people to take you more seriously. Therefore, the object of this article, is to educate you on some of the incarnations of "the Force" throughout history.


This is the scientific term. Energy is the basis for all things, it is an impartial, unquantifiable concept. Science can show the results of energy, but not the energy itself.

According to the famous equation, Energy=(Mass x Speed of Light)2 (E=MC2). Looking further into scientific “laws”, we learn that Mass and Energy can neither be created nor destroyed (Einstein’s Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy), instead they simply transform into one another. Visually, mass manifests as matter. This fits in with the vague definition of “the Force” outlined in the Star Wars movies.


Ashe is the Yoruba term for the energy which encompasses all things-living, dead, animate, inanimate. At the beginning of creation, everything was empowered with Ashe. It is by this empowerment, that Olorun(the god of the Yoruba) is able to monitor everything within the infinite cosmos. It binds everything together.

Because of Ashe, Olorun is able to "split" himself up so as to provide mediators between humans and himself. Much the same concept as Catholics praying to Saints and the Angels. Through the ashe, these anthropomorphic entities (known as orishas) keep the cosmos operating smoothly.

Olorisha are individuals who are skilled in manipulating ashe and working with orisha for purposes of healing (physical, mental and spiritual). Ashe can be used for other things, however it is important to note that ashe has a karmatic effect.


South American natives had an interesting word when Cortes and his men arrived, and for years the term was misinterpreted as "god" or "lord". Teotl is a supernatural energy source which acts as a super-computer for the cosmos. It is present in every little detail that exists, and it continues to create and mandate the universe. In accordance with Aztec belief, teotl cannot be exhausted by any single, existing thing. It is a constant "circle of life" which holds no concept of what is good or evil.


Although this isn't the preferred method of spelling the word, I use it to discern the difference between "parlor tricks" and the pagan views of magic. Magick usually refers to the practice of ritual and spells, however talking with the pagan community, I have come to realize it is much more than this. It describes an energy force that is constantly around us. It is in more concentration of select objects than others. Usually by having a charge placed upon the object itself (i.e. talismans and charms).

The energy's purpose is also varied. For example, it is held that a Tiger's Eye provides protection, whereas Malachite is used for healing. If you attempt to charge a stone for a purpose other than what it is meant (i.e. charge a Tiger's Eye for healing purposes) the item will not be as effective as either what it is intended for (protection stone) or what you have charged it to do(healing stone). On the same note, there are different dieties which control the energy fields. Unlike Ashe, or Teotl, however, these entities are not part of magick. Rather they are dieties which control magick in it's various forms.

Abrahamic Traditions

Abrahamic religions include Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Although there is no formal term in the Bible to represent an idea of "the Force", these religions all have certain elements that suggest there is a "Force" within their beliefs. One story that is common to all these religions is the story regarding Israel being freed from Egyptian captivity.

As the story goes, Moses was asked by God to be his representative to Pharaoh. When this mission was given to Moses, he went to his brother Aaron to assist him in communicating the importance of God's command. The first time Moses and Aaron came upon Pharaoh to demand that he "Let My People go," Pharaoh demanded a miracle be shown unto him. Aaron cast down his rod and it became a serpent. To prove that these were mere tricks that could be replicated, Pharaoh had his own magicians cast rods before the court. Aaron's serpent swallowed theirs and then returned to the form of a rod. The magicians would be able to duplicate the red river, mass appearance of frogs and nothing further. It was agreed that God was the only one who could have produced the other four miracles.

After showing Pharaoh, his sorcerers and Israel the might of God, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. However, Pharaoh changed his mind. He and his soldiers chased after the Israelites until they reached the Red Sea. Here, Moses was commanded by God to part the waters so as to allow safe passage for the Israelites, with his staff. Once the Israelites were safely across, the waters collapsed together and caused the Pharaoh and his soldiers to drown.

Note: It is important to note that Aaron and Moses are not the only ones that were able to produce miracles. This suggests that "the Force" is available to all for use. In this respect, you can have good and evil actions that employ the use of "the Force". In accordance with Abrahamic traditions, however, God is the strongest influence you can have. If you have him backing you, then your opponent's power is highly limited. From here, you can derive the ideas of "light" and "dark" uses of "the Force" as being intent rather than an actual side to the Force.

I have given you only a couple of words that embody "the Force" throughout the various theologies of our world. It is my hope, that you will challenge yourself in finding other terms that fulfill that role. The more educated you are on the subject, the less likely someone is to challenge your beliefs.

Tags: Light Aspect The Force

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