Fasting as a mediation Tool?

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This was my answer to the "Fasting as a mediation tool" assignment. I will post what I wrote below in hopes that it might give people a viewpoint to consider when tackling this question themselves.

I have chosen to write about the practice of fasting that is undertaken by followers of Buddhism. I have chosen this because it has a connection to their practice of self-control. “Buddha advised monks not to take solid food after noon” Buddha advised this for his followers for 2 Reasons. 1 was by sacrificing a meal a day, you could give your food to someone who is fortunate, who does not have enough food or any food. The 2nd reason is because they are taught not to become Gluttonous, as it is believed people who live that type of lifestyle are likely to be lazy and wasteful. You should only eat what you need to, you should not regularly overindulge. 


It is believed if you can fast, you then can have to build a stronger self-control over your choices and actions. Self-control and fasting is another factor believed to help one become a spiritual Stronger. “An ascetic was kicked and tortured, and then his hands and feet were severed on the orders of a rakish king. But the ascetic, according to the Buddhist story, endured the torture with equanimity and without the slightest anger or hatred. Such religious people have developed their mental power through restraining from sensual indulgence”. 


Having better self-control leads to a more disciplined meditation routine. Therefore if you think of it like a spider diagram. So meditation is in the middle. How does one improve their meditation sessions. well, there is a link discipline, practising every day. That link is then connected to self-control, that link is then connected to fasting. So fasting is linked to meditation through a series of other links, like a chain. That chain could be a circle making it a cycle. That is how I interpret it after doing this research. 


Another Link I found was that your Meditation can go deeper as you are more focused on your spiritual strength, your mind and stomach is clear. The body is your body is in a state of purity. You will also become more mindful of your food and overall diet. 


I have not done fasting before. I find I need so much energy a day because of the lifestyle I live. However, I did find meditation did help when I was dieting and taking myself of chocolate, sweets and cakes etc. I would not recommend fasting for everyone. It is Something that needs practice or you can make yourself ill. However Fasting is interesting to read about. Which I do recommend as it is taught in a few religions such as Islam, Buddhist, Hinduism and even Christianity but every version is different. 

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