What is the Shadow to you?

on Posted in Shadow Content. Hits: 1051

The Shadow is a way to view the Force and life itself. In many ways a new name on a very old concept, the Shadows are a way for one to become in tune with the flow of life and the Force, very similar to the eastern philosophies of ki and karma. As far as the actual applications of the Shadow ways, they differ from the light and dark sides in that the Shadow student does not dictate their own code to which they apply to the world and how they deal with situations. (Aikido is a similar path, a martial art, one in which the student strives to act according to the balance and flow of the universe, of which they are a part.) A shadow instead relies on the Force for guidance, also known as clairvoiance, or instinct. No two situations can be dealt with the same way, so training to live your life according to a code is useless. The code will not always apply, or even be right. You must live in the moment, feeling out the possible consequences of any action that may be taken. This however, can only be done by a trained mind. It must come as easily as instinct, not brooded over while the necessity for action, or inaction, passes you by. I give you only what I think to be right, what I have been able to see and pick up from the teachings of others and life itself. I do not claim to really know the Shadow Side, I am a student, ever learning. That is why i have applied, because I DON'T know all there is, and need a helping hand. I have trained here for almost a year, and have trained in both meditative arts and the druidic ways since age 14. I believe i have come as far as i can on my own. From here on out, i need a guide. Someone who has been there. A master.


The shadow's are many things to me. In a nutshell Balance, self understanding and life. The Shadow's are embracing the force as a whole. The shadow's are also individual everyone has there own shadow own opinion own views on each different thing.

Jes Ree

The Shadow to me is the recognition that the Force just is; it is not good nor evil. What we do as people is good and evil, the Force itself is not either one of those things. We are part of a world soul all bound together by a greater power, known to this site as the Force. The Shadow is the focus on one's self understanding and perception, in an effort to better control yourself and learn new things to aid you in your life. It centers around the self, which decides what he/she will do with their control of the Force.

Kell Halcyon

An aspect of the force which deems balance and control as it's ideals.

Nara Tagalen

The perfect blend and balance to the Force.

Thes Nazud

I have been a Shadow sider long before I came to the FA. It is the same as I strive to keep my life, in balance, tolerant, and open to all sides. In short because it reflects my mental order.


Tags: The Shadows Who Are the Shadows?

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