Raven Rambling on Light, Dark and Shadow

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The Ramblings of a curious Shadow mind Welcome to the way my brain works

So… When Ren posted his questions about objects and light, and then quoted Pelar, my mind went down the rabbit hole of craziness. Follow if you like. I don’t really have conclusions here just a bunch of strung together thoughts and ideas.

First thought: Darkness is the given. Light needs a source, fire, sun, electricity etc. in that case light is merely hiding what is always present. i.e. darkness. The object then gives a window back into what is always there.

I was out and about at this point and started to really connect with the shadows around me, truly focusing on them instead of what created them, and it became very clear that literal shadows give the world substance and depth at least visually. Without the shadow on surfaces everything becomes very superficial and flat.

From there I started thinking how superficial light is. I was driving in my Jeep and the sun was reflecting off of the car in front of me and it was merely a bright dot with 0 context and I started to Judge the Light Aspect from that standard. Superficial and boring.

Then I went to black and that black must have the depth. Then again my mind went to a very interesting article I read on the Blackest black paint. This paint absorbs light so where this black is there is no substance. It’s a void of black, since the light is absorbed there is nothing to see but black even if texture is present. At which point I started thinking the void of black is visually mysterious and boring at the same time. Almost a stereotype, like the Sith Academy.  ;) boring in it’s generic blackness http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-new(lost link)

Then back to light. Light isn’t superficial at all. It’s cool with many spectrum and wavelengths but I’m looking at it superficially through the Lens of Jedi that are stuck in a fiction and no action. These Jedi are a group that holds onto a title and not a deeper lifestyle and driving force.

If one embraces a deeper and more complex mindset of Living and being in the spectrum of light it could be powerful and quite frankly really fun. As with the Dark that allows for texture but only on it’s terms and in a way that serves in creating passion and something one would want to dig deeper into.

Please note that this analysis isn’t a spectrum of Light to Dark. They are their own entities doing what those entities do. The extremes and usefulness of both light waves and the Black are found within themselves not in contrast to the other.  ;)

Same with a Shadow: Shadow complexity lies in its interest and connection with all of the systems that help create it and how to find power and simplicity through awareness of the parts and the whole. The simplicity of said systems that create this beautiful web of texture and history. Look at a person’s face, the shadows that make up wrinkle lines tell how the person lives and who they are. Circumstance can be the light source, and the person can be the object with their response being the shadow. . Life is interconnected and the context and play is what the Shadows are. That said the big picture and pieces are only useful if something is done with them. The superficial of a Shadow would be to only hold onto all of that information, dissecting deeper and deeper and never turning it into anything useful or personal. Where lines on a face are merely lines on a face without meaning or usefulness.

So boring and useless.

I guess that’s all for now. Like I said, no real point, just the ramblings of a crazy bird.

Tags: The Shadows Contemplations and Journey

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