On The Crest Jewel Of Wisdom

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"In this existence, all is illusion. God is the truth and the world is unreal."

Those statements discern the subjective from the objective. As a Shadow part of your goal is to separate your self from the subjective, realize the objective, and "leave" this realm of existence. To do this you must settle your mind on its goal, achieve peace within yourself, gain total control of your senses, a never ending patience for whatever may happen to you, faith in what you find and are taught, a desire for realse from the bonds of this realm, and a dispassion for what is impermanent.

Peace is more than a state of mind it is a state of being. Letting go of the world's wrong doing's, and realizing that worse has happened and worse will come, but it all does not matter because in the end this world will not even exist.

Control here is used to describe to act of turning your 5 physical sense's off, in order to begin your separation from what does not exsist. The final part of this action keeps a very weak part of your mind out of this realm, and makes you feel like you are almost outside of your body. With those 5 sense's quieted you are more sensitive to the others, which come from the objective realm and begin to show you things you have never dreamed of.

Patience works especially close to peace, if you can bear any affliction without mental disturbance, or automatic physical retaliation, you maintain your peace and control of self. Not saying that retaliation is bad as long as its on your terms, with all thoughts in place. To "fly off the handle" and out of control is more than a sign of weakness, it is also a loss of balance.

Faith, so much to say about faith; it must be blind, for if its not its worthless, what good is it for me to prove to you that there is more to this life if you do not want to believe. We will show you the way, give you the tools that you will need, and the support that you desire. In no way can we tell you what and how to believe, that is up to you to find. Those of us who follow this path have always ended in the same place.

The continual holding onto the awareness of God alone -continually, is known as concentration - not just mental self- gratification.

The wish to be freed by the knowledge of one's true nature from such bonds as seeing oneself as the agent, which are contingent on the body and created by ignorance - this is desire for liberation. What does training and studying do for you if you do not have the desire to be liberated? At best it will educate you, but will have no lasting effect or change you in any way. Without the knowledge God, what good is the desire to be liberated? What will you free yourself from? What good are your studies and training, except to maybe help you begin to wonder.

Your inner self is like a buried treasure, needing more than just desire of realization to be gained, you have to work at clearing away the dirt and rocks caused by this existence. For most the only way to find your inner self and God is from a knower of God, and a practitioner of the scriptures.

The primary basis of liberation is held to be total dispassion for everything impermanent, such as this body which is nothing more than a weak, ignorant, mindless, conditioned, superimposition of your true self; and after that peacefulness, restraint, patience, and the complete renunciation of scriptural observances.

The power of God is indescribable, full of knowledge and power. He has created all that you see, from your body to the heavens, look upon all of this as a desert mirage, unreal and untrue. All is created by God, of God, and is therefore part of God. Since you were created by God and so were the materials that make up the screen you are staring at, both of you are bonded by the act of creation and exist in the objective, but only the conscience can take control and effect the subjective.

The spirit, to this body, is like the space to a jar. The space was always there, and will be there long after the jar has been destroyed. Just like the space your spirit has no beginning, no end, no birth, no death; for it is One.

There are five sheaths that make up the physical body; vitality, what keeps you alive and fills your body; mind-made, or thought which can confuse, mislead, and even lie to you; knowledge, that witch cause's you to "know" what is real and what is not; sense, it is changeable and therefore cannot be eternal; pleasure, based in pure ignorance, what makes us physically happy because we don't know or care. These five levels make up the physical or illusion self, and only when they are completely removed can your true self be revealed.

This self, the light itself, beyond the five levels, the witness of the three states, changeless, unsullied, eternal joy - this should be recognized by the wise as one's real self. But it is hidden by the five sheaths induced by this life like a tree that can NOT be moved by any action, material object, element, or desire; but only by the sword of wisdom of the truth sharpened by the grace of God.

All is created of God, by God, and is therefore part of God. The recognition of one's inseparable oneness with God is the means of liberation from temporal existence, by which the wise person achieves the non-dual, blissful nature of God. Having attained the nature of God, the knower returns no more to the temporal state, so it is essential to recognize one's own true inseparable oneness with God. God is the truth, knowledge and eternal. He is pure, transcendent and self-sufficient - the everlasting, undiluted bliss which is enthroned undivided and inseparable within This supreme Reality is non-dual in the absence of any other reality beside itself. In the state of knowledge of ultimate truth there is nothing else. ALL IS GOD and there is nothing else, meditate on that. That which is unaffected by the six afflictions (of aging, death, hunger, thirst, desire and ignorance), which is meditated on in the heart of the devotee, unrecognized by the senses, unknown by the intellect - you are That, God himself. Meditate on the fact within yourself. That basis on which the mistakenly imagined world exists, itself dependent on nothing else, devoid of true and false, without parts, and without mental image - you are That, God himself. Meditate on the fact within yourself. That which is indestructible, free from birth, growth, development, decay, illness and death; which is the cause of the creation, maintenance and destruction of everything - you are That, God himself. Meditate on the fact within yourself. Free of parts, of an unchanging quality, undisturbed like a waveless sea, declared to be of an eternally indivisible nature - you are That, God himself. Meditate on the fact within yourself. Itself One but the cause of the many, the supreme Cause which does away with all other causes, itself devoid of distinctions of "cause" and "effect" - you are That, God himself. Meditate on the fact within yourself. Without modification, great and unending, the supreme Reality beyond destruction and indestructibility, the eternal unfading, unblemished, fulfilment - you are That God himself. Meditate on the fact within yourself. That Reality which manifests itself as the many through the illusions of names, shapes, attributes and changes but which, like gold is always itself unchanged (in different objects) - you are That, God himself. Meditate on the fact within yourself. That, beyond which there is nothing, but which shines beyond everything else, the inner, uniform self-nature of being-consciousness-joy, infinite and eternal - you are That, God himself. Meditate on the fact within yourself.

As your mind becomes turned towards oneness, you become less concerned with what happens in this existence, because you will have let it go for what really does matter. Nothing physical will matter at all, your desire for worldly things and useless physical pleasure will dissipate.

Prior conditioning will work hard at preventing you from realizing that you are not an individual but a part of the One. Letting go of all that you identify your self with is essential for liberation from the subjective and unlasting realm we live in.

You are unchanging, forever the same, part of God; the stronger you are with the objective the more you will know, the seer must be unchanging, or he will not see the whole truth.

You are already forever and unchanging, you just need to let go and realize this truth, and the truth will set you free.

Tags: The Shadows Early Shadow Teachings

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