Defining the Terms of Right and Wrong

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Right: a just; in accordance with truth and duty; true; correct; proper Wrong: a not right or good; not suitable; wicked; incorrect; mistaken.

These are the dictionary definitions. The linguistically correct version. The thing is these terms are dubious and hinging upon the definition of other words.

Just: a fair; honest; proper; right Truth: a in accordance with facts; exact; correct Duty: n moral obligation; one's proper actions

I could go on and on but do I need to? In the end you will find the words all loop back to each other for definitions so what we are left to assume that they mean is what we have been brought up to believe. The way society works the definitions of right and wrong is, shall we say in the least just a little corrupted? Ideas of conforming to justice and laws have, on the large part become about what a person can get away with without being punished.

Society very much works with the ideas of right and wrong so we must be familiar with them and how they work. Looking at the linguistics of them then almost everyone will do what they personally believe to be right. Some people will do what they specifically know as wrong and they have their reasons.

Look inside yourself and find out what you consider to be right and wrong. Listen to yourself and live that. Now the thing is you still have to take note of what everyone else considers to be right and wrong. Listen to them as well and their justifications. You never know, they might have found out something that you missed. I was thinking of examples and the first one that came up was Martin Luther King. American society back then thought it was right for whites to dominate. Martin Luther King was one of the suppressed who spoke up and inspired more people to join him, he was a spokesman who helped many people both black and white. They realized that what society had for a long time taught as right was no longer acceptable and no longer right.

When in society you must find a way to work with the rules, to bend them. Even if you don't agree with rules there are ways to get around them without breaking them. Sometimes it may come to a point where you must break them in order to succeed effectively, but you must know the rules and the consequences of doing that. It is called responsibility for your actions and their consequences.

Know that the definitions of right and wrong are flexible. When the Romans ruled it was perfectly lawful to throw Christian to the lions. Time has changed that. Who knows what time will change and what our society will become in the long term future? You can speculate but I'm sure the Romans would never have foreseen the timeliness to proceed as it did.

This brings me on to another point. Each individual can make a difference. Whilst many people may all be thinking something is wrong, thousands may do so but they will be quite happy to sit there and do nothing. That is until we get the individuals, the Martin Luther Kings of this world who know how to work and inspire the crowds to get off their lazy behinds and do something.

Tags: The Shadows Early Shadow Teachings

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