Setanaoko replied to the topic 'Bachelor Program' in the forum. 1 month ago

Jedi Mantra Bach.
You need the Workbook to Complete this assignment.
Looking over the Jedi Mantras provided in this module, which line do you feel is the most difficult to live by?  Why do you feel this way, and how do you think you can work on incorporating it into your life?

Guidance Mantra
Compare the Guidance Mantra (provided below) to another: note similarities, and differences. Discuss critically the mantra and its contents: how useful is it as a meditation tool?

Guidance Mantra
Accept emotion to bring peace.
Seek knowledge to challenge ignorance. 
Temper passions to find harmony. 
Death is not the end of life.

Armonia Jedi Code
We are Jedi; Protectors of Freedom

We respect our connected world

Thus, we serve others

By leading through example

By acting with integrity 

We stay strong to support others

We strive for growth with our actions 

We face adversity with wisdom and knowledge

We are one with the Force

Instructions for Final Paper B
Your final paper must be a minimum of 5 pages (not including Title and Source pages), double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt Font and include a minimum of 5 sources (10 is preferred) in APA Format.
TOPIC: Research a deity of your choice.  Could be Abrahamic, Greek, Japanese, Igbo, Aztec, Maori, etc.  In your paper, please answer the following questions-

1) What kinds of decisions does this deity make?
2) How, in the stories surrounding him/her, has their decisions impacted man?

3) Using the Armonia Jedi Code* (if you are a member of another Jedi Order, you may use the code of the order you hail from), discuss whether or not you feel this deity's character might ask you to do something that violates the Jedi Code.

4) Finally, discuss how you would deal with a situation if this deity came to you and asked you to do something which went directly against the Jedi Code.
*If you have chosen to receive a certification with your studies, you may choose to use a Jedi Code that is not Armonia’s- to include the Heartland Jedi Code spoken of this in Module, or the code of your own Jedi Order.  Armonia immediately recognizes the variant codes used at the following Jedi Orders:
Force Academy
Temple of the Jedi Order
Temple of the Jedi Force
You may also choose to the use the fictional codes.

To complete this assignment, please submit your topic below. 

Meditation (Pt. 1) B
This corresponds with Module 1 & 2 in the workbook "The Jedi Code: A Jedi's True Ally?" by Keith Williams, Meditation on the Mantra.
You will complete this next week under "Bachelor's Program Meditation (Pt.2)", however for the submission in this assignment answer the following question:
What do are your expectations for this meditation over the next two weeks?

The Jedi Creed
Looking over the different lines of the Jedi Creed (also known as the Skywalker/Anderson Code), explain which one you feel best expresses the way you wish to manifest your Jedi Path.  How do the lines around it inform the line you have chosen?    Your answer must be 250 words minimum (not including citations, if any)

Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.
Jedi use their powers to defend and protect, never to attack others.
Jedi respect all life, in any form.
Jedi serve others, rather than rule over them, for the good of the galaxy.
Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.

Meditation (Pt. 2) B
Explain how meditating on the Armonia Mantra has affected your last two weeks.  How does this compare to the expectations you had in Pt. 1?  Your answer should be 150 words minimum (not including citations, if any).

Assignment 1 B
This assignment corresponds with Module 3 in the workbook "The Jedi Code: A Jedi's True Ally?" by Keith Williams.
Choose one of the sections outlined in this module (Being a Living Jedi, The Jedi Prospective, or Jedi Wisdom) and explain how the Jedi Creed outlined in Module 2 relates to it.  Your answer must be 250 words minimum (not including citations, if any)

Should a Jedi(Scenario 1) B
This assignment corresponds with Module 3 in the workbook "The Jedi Code: A Jedi's True Ally?" by Keith Williams.
Discuss what you believe the Jedi Code says in regards to the questions under "Should a Jedi...." and "Scenario".  For each question you answer, you will receive 50% added to your grade.

Armonia's Jedi Code
Use the Armonia Jedi Code. (Recommended Length 150 words for each assignment). 
1.  Explore a line from the Code, and identify the qualifying elements, and define key words. What is necessary or sufficient for the statement to be true? Is it found in another line?
2. What is the narrative of the code? Identify, and discuss critically the consequential logic, if it has any, of the code. 
3. Apply the code: are there any elements of the code you feel already impacts on your life? Identify and explain your reasoning. 

Should a Jedi(Scenario 2) B
This assignment corresponds with Module 4 in the workbook "The Jedi Code: A Jedi's True Ally?" by Keith Williams.
Discuss what you believe the Jedi Code says in regards to the questions under "Should a Jedi...." and "Scenario".  For each question you answer, you will receive 50% added to your grade.

Ethics Code
Must complete at least one for credit
1A. Does your current profession have an ethics code? Please outline in brief (150 words recommended). If your current industry lacks an explicit ethics code, proceed to 1B.  
1B. Find and outline, in brief and in your own words, an ethics code for an industry or volunteer role you would be interested in pursuing (150 words recommended).  

Armonia Jedi Code and the Workplace

How do you feel the Jedi Code (The Armonia Code or your favoured Code) benefits, or perhaps impedes, you in the work place? (150 words recommended). 

Ethical Guidelines & Procedures

This assignment corresponds with Module 4, Assignment 3 under "Ethical Guidelines & Procedures".
We have outlined benefits of an ethical code here; can you think of any difficulties such codes could cause? (3 Bullet-Points recommended.)

Should a Jedi(Scenario 3) B
This assignment corresponds with Module 5 in the workbook "The Jedi Code: A Jedi's True Ally?" by Keith Williams.
Discuss what you believe the Jedi Code says in regards to the questions under "Should a Jedi...." and "Scenario".  For each question you answer, you will receive 50% added to your grade.

Personal Values
Must complete all for full credit

1A. Identify and define 5-7 personal values; discuss the behaviours you feel embody these values.
1B. Are these values at odds, or congruent, with a group you are active in; such as your workplace? (250 words suggested)

2A. Identify values within the Armonia Jedi Code, and define the values with arguments present in the code.  (5 values minimum suggested.)
2B. Are these values congruent, or at odds, with your personal values? (250 words suggested)

Should a Jedi(Scenario 4) B
This assignment corresponds with Module 6 in the workbook "The Jedi Code: A Jedi's True Ally?" by Keith Williams.
Discuss what you believe the Jedi Code says in regards to the questions under "Should a Jedi...." and "Scenario".  For each question you answer, you will receive 50% added to your grade.

Religious Code of Ethics B

Choose a religious code of ethics, perhaps one discussed in the lesson, and apply the “effective value statement” model from Module 3. Identify the value, define the value, and discuss the expected behaviours. (250 words suggested)

The Code a Religious Document?

Is the Jedi Code a religious document? Discuss, and justify for your conclusion. Please feel free to use a code of your choice, but default to the Armonia Code if you have none. (250 words minimum)

Should a Jedi(Scenario 5) B
This assignment corresponds with Module 7 in the workbook "The Jedi Code: A Jedi's True Ally?" by Keith Williams.
Discuss what you believe the Jedi Code says in regards to the questions under "Should a Jedi...." and "Scenario".  For each question you answer, you will receive 50% added to your grade.

3 Debates B
This assignment corresponds with Week 7 in the workbook "The Jedi Code: A Jedi's True Ally?" by Keith Williams.
Choose one of the three debates (Does Altruism Exist?; Moral Realism and Relativism?; Utilitarianism and Jedi) discussed in this Module, and explore the discussion online (either through personal research or with others around you/in the forums).  After reviewing the information, how do you feel what you have learned relates to the Jedi Code?

Should a Jedi(Scenario 6) B
This assignment corresponds with Module 8 in the workbook "The Jedi Code: A Jedi's True Ally?" by Keith Williams.
Discuss what you believe the Jedi Code says in regards to the questions under "Should a Jedi...." and "Scenario".  For each question you answer, you will receive 50% added to your grade.

The Code and the Compass

For your assignment, look at each tenet of the Jedi Compass and explain how the Jedi Code supports it.

Should a Jedi(Scenario 7) B
This assignment corresponds with Module 9 in the workbook "The Jedi Code: A Jedi's True Ally?" by Keith Williams.
Discuss what you believe the Jedi Code says in regards to the questions under "Should a Jedi...." and "Scenario".  For each question you answer, you will receive 50% added to your grade.

Submit Your Final Paper B


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