Setanaoko replied to the topic 'Bachelor Program' in the forum. 1 month ago

Intro to the Force

Research one of the 5 religious equivalents of "the Force" spoken of in the transcript (Energy, Ashe, Teotlc, Magick, or God/Holy Spirit). How does it relate to the idea that the Force is in everything, it creates all, and is created by all? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations) and have 2 sources cited in APA format.

A Relationship with the Force
What is one question you have about your personal relationship with the Force?  
Please provide your question below, and over the course of this class, take at least one days a week to meditate on this question alone. We also encourage you to take time to discuss this question and your developing thoughts on it with others at Force Academy and abroad in the Jedi Community.
You will be asked in Module 5, for credit, to write down what conclusions you have reached, as well as the questions you are still exploring around it.

Instructions for Final Paper B
Your final paper must be a minimum of 5 pages (not including Title and Source pages), double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt Font and include a minimum of 5 sources (10 is preferred) in APA Format.

TOPIC: Pick a religious group (either historical or current day- but not Jediism) and explain how they interact with what you perceive is their equivalent of "the Force". Questions that should be addressed are as follows:

1) To the culture, is this “Force" Sentient? Is it Metaphorical?

2) How does this “Force” influence their understanding of Good (Light) & Evil (Dark)

3) What do they believe are the capabilities of this "Force"?

4) How does this “Force” influence their decisions in terms of medicine, worship, personal interactions with others, etc?

5) How does this “Force” help build a foundation for peace amongst believers and/or non-believers? Does this “Force” sow discord between believers and non-believers?

To complete this assignment, submit your paper proposal below.

Meditation Assignment 1 B
If you are following along with the book "The Force: Beyond Star Wars" by Alethea Thompson, use this space to discuss your answer to Day 7's Meditation Journal of this Module.

A Sentient Force?
Give 1 reason that a sentient Force can benefit a Jedi and 1 reason it can be a detriment. Explain your answers using examples from a holy text/mythology. Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations) and 1 source per reason (2 sources total).

Collective Consciousness?
For some, the "will of the Force" is life's collective consciousness. In your opinion, how might awareness of a collective consciousness transform an individual for the better or worse? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations, if you provide any).
To give you an idea of what we are referring to in terms of "Collective Consciousness":
(^ This is simply an example of the belief, what is listed above is not necessarily the opinion or belief of any instructor at Force Academy)

Meditation Assignment 2 B
If you are following along with the book "The Force: Beyond Star Wars" by Alethea Thompson, use this space to discuss your answer to Day 7's Meditation Journal of this Module.

Who is Talking to Me?
Consider how you can work on defining who you are or are not talking to (both in terms of supernatural phenomena and other human beings you speak with).  What are some things you could do to identify whether or not the being you are speaking to is someone/thing you want to associate with; and how might you actually fact check whether or not they/it is who they are being identified to you as?  Your answer should be a minimum of 100 words (not including citations, in APA format, if any).

Meditation Assignment 3 B
If you are following along with the book "The Force: Beyond Star Wars" by Alethea Thompson, use this space to discuss your answer to Day 7's Meditation Journal of this Module.

The Evils of Man
Choose a culture, other than Christianity or the Igbo (spoken of in the workbook), and discuss their beliefs concerning why evil committed by man exists (is there a spirit associated with tempting man to evil? Is it linked to Personal Responsibility? etc). How do you feel this relate to the Darkside of the Force?  Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations), with 3 sources in APA format.

What is Balance?
Let's talk about this concept called "balance", do you believe "the Force" seeks balance?  Why or why not?  Your answer must be 250 words (without citations, if you provide any)

Meditation Assignment 4 B
If you are following along with the book "The Force: Beyond Star Wars" by Alethea Thompson, use this space to discuss your answer to Day 7's Meditation Journal of this Module.

What is Possible?
What are your personal beliefs of what is possible, using the Force? Is your understanding limited to what science can currently explain? Or do you believe that there are metaphysical possibilities? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations, if you provide any).

What is Practical?
What do you feel is a practical and reasonable application of "the Force"?  Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations, if you provide any).

Your Understanding of the Force?
Over the last few modules you've explored possibilities and what others believe about "the Force". But what about yourself? What do you believe "the Force" is? Is it metaphorical? Is it metaphysical? Scientific? Sentient? How does this understanding help you navigate the world around you? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations, if you provide any).

Returning to Your Relationship with the Force
 In Module 1 you were asked to come up with a question you have about your personal relationship with The Force.  You have hopefully been collecting thoughts and bouncing ideas off of your teachers at this point, so now is your opportunity to tell us what these explorations have given you as an answer.  You may not have a full answer to the question just yet, but take the time to put down everything you have at this point.
For this assignment, there is no minimum word count.

Submit Your Final Paper


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