Setanaoko replied to the topic 'Bachelor Program' in the forum. 1 month ago

The Journey to Knowing Thyself
Knowing yourself is the first key to living the life of a Jedi. Meditate on these topics and others that you think of that are relevant to understanding you.
1.) Who are you? Look at your life up until the point where you decided that the Jedi path was the right avenue for you to take. Study who you have been and who you are.
2.) What do you believe in? What are your core truths? What are negotiable beliefs? Study what your values are and why you hold them.
3.) Who have been your guides? As you have journeyed through life, look back at the people who have influenced you most and think about why they have.
4.) How does who you are affect those around you? This is also a part of being empathic and mindful, but it is important to consider how you fit into the big picture. We are not islands after all.
Just some things to think about as your start out on the Jedi path or remind yourself who you are.
Suggested format: Short Paragraph per question (Recommended Length 150-250 words)

Journal Assignment
Come up with two lists, one is everything that you like about yourself, and the other will be things you dislike about yourself. Over the course of the next four modules (or 4 weeks, whichever is longer) we would like to see you work on enhancing one area of yourself that you like, and minimizing the area you do not like.
Like: In your journal, keep a log of activities you are doing to give attention to this like and how the activities make you feel about yourself.
Dislike: Research what others have done to overcome this dislike they have of themselves and try out some of the techniques they have used.  In your journal/blog, write down the effectiveness of the activity, and explain why you believe it may or may not be an avenue for you to use in the future.
To complete this assignment, maintain your running journal in the Light Aspects "Learner Journal Space" on Force Academy's forums.

Let us know in the comments below that you have set this up so we can grade your work.

Learning Your Place
Learning your place in no way implies that you are forced into being someone or doing something. Quite the contrary. What I mean here is learn your place where you fit into the Force.
As you work on what it means to be you:
1.) Asses your strengths. What are you good at? What are you great at?
2.) Asses your weaknesses and not only admit you need work in some areas of life but makes changes.
3.) Study your interests in people, hobbies, and general tastes.
As you look at these few things, see what trends you find about yourself. Learn where your skills and gifts lie as you grow as Jedi.
Suggested Format: 3-5 bullet points per question, and justify your answers (Recommended Length 150-250 words)

3 Friends (Pt. 1)
Ask 3 friends to tell you 2 things they value about you as a person.  Write what each one has said below, and explain whether you feel their faith in you for these things are warranted.

Self-Reflection Quiz
1. Describe yourself (tell your story)
2. What is love?
3. What is hate?
4. What do you expect from a teacher/mentor in the path of the Jedi?
5. What are you hoping or expecting to take from learning this path?
6. Describe your habits. (Do you drink? Smoke? Chew gum?)
7. What is YOUR interpretation of the Jedi Code?
8. What, if any, are your fears?
9. What, if any, are your dreams?
10. Describe your current religious and spiritual views in depth.
Suggested format: Short Paragraph per question (Recommended Length 150-250 words)

3 Friends (Pt. 2)
Ask 3 friends, whom you believe will be honest with you, to tell you two things they feel you need to work on.  Write what each one has said, and explain how you feel about their assessment.

“How do I feel?” Chart

What emotions would I use to describe myself in this moment?
What is the chain of events that led me to reach these emotions?
Have I allowed my emotions to be the number one reason for my actions?
How long have I felt these feelings?
Are these thoughts/emotions the real ones? Or are they disguising other feelings about this situation?
Suggested format: Short Paragraph per question (Recommended Length 150-250 words)

Personality Flaw (Pt. 1)
In the previous module, you asked 3 friends to tell you what they believed you need to work on.  For this assignment, choose one of these problems you feel is the most important for you to work on, and devise a plan on how you can resolve the problem in your life.  Your answer must be 350 words minimum (without citations, if any).

Mid-Term Assignment
1. Research one of the following personality models: 
Eysenck Personality Inventory, Cattell’s theory, Five-Factor Model/Big Five, Kelly’s Personal Construct Theory, Roger’s psychology of becoming, Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory, and Jung’s Analytical psychology. Write a short essay on the model 
2. Outline what personality “Type” you believe yourself to be without taking a test for your chosen model. Justify your answer. 
3. Take a test and compare your actual test result to what you wrote about yourself. What was the same, and what was different, and outline your beliefs why.
Suggested format: Short Essay per question (500 words minimum, not including citations, with 2 citations in APA format)

Personality Flaw (Pt. 2)
Referring to "3 Friends (Pt. 3)" in Module 4, you came up with a plan to resolve a personality flaw.  For this assignment, design a means of measuring progress for your plan.   Your answer should be 250 words minimum, not including citations (if any).

Journaling Assignment (Pt. 2)
Over the last few weeks, you've been working on something like and dislike about yourself.  After taking time to really contemplate these things, what have you learned about yourself and these particular traits you see in yourself?

Intro to Tolerance

Write about three beliefs you hold as non-negotiable, which do not have anything to do with non-negotiable legal complications. For example, many of us hold the belief that premeditated murder is wrong, these aren’t the kinds of beliefs we are asking for. But you might talk about your beliefs on abortion or the topic of God. How do you feel about people that believe opposite of you in these matters? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations, if you provide any).

Objectivity File 1
Over the next few modules, you will be provided with two opposing views on a random topic.  Many of which you probably have a bias towards.  With each topic, you'll be given some questions to answer.  For your first module, the topic will be on Child Labor.
Part A: Before you read the following, write down a synopsis of your initial thoughts on Child Labor. (50 words minimum, not including citations if included)
Part B: After reading the two articles, explain how emotion was or was not used to try and convince you of the merit of the argument. (100 words minimum, not including citations if included)
Part C: What did you learn about the view that you opposed in Part A? (50 words minimum, not including citations if any are provided)


Iraqi Children Derived Rights, Stolen Future
A Case against Child Labor Prohibitions

Instructions for Final Paper (Bachelor's Program)
Your final paper must be a minimum of 5 pages (not including Title and Source pages), double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt Font and include a minimum of 5 sources (10 is preferred) in APA Format

Select one of the three nonnegotiable beliefs from assignment 1. Your paper should answer the following questions:

Why is this a nonnegotiable believe for you?
What evidence supports your belief? Provide two sources minimum.
How has this believe impacted your relationship with others?
What are some constructive ways you can remain assertive in your nonnegotiable believe and retain a healthy interaction with those that hold the opposite of your believe? Provide one source at a minimum.

(Must complete both parts to get 100% credit)

Part A
How do you feel when you perceive someone is attacking you? Your answer must be a minimum of 150 words (not including citations, if you provide any).

Part B
How do you feel when you witnessed someone else being attacked? Your answer must be a minimum of 150 words (not including citations, if you provide any).

Approaching the Trolls (Bachelor's Program)
This assignment corresponds with Module 7, "Approaching the Trolls" in the workbook "Self-Awareness" by Keith Williams, Alethea Thompson & Perris Cartwright.
Consider some of the tactics you've read about in this module's reading and discuss which ones you feel are in alignment with the Jedi Path, and which ones violate the Jedi Path. Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations). You must provide a minimum of two sources, one of which must be one of the reading assignments from this module and the other the Jedi Compass.

Objectivity Files 2
Read the following links:
Major Problems Facing Nigeria when this was published?
What are the Problems Facing Nigeria when this was published?
Complete both-
A. Based on the information provided, start making a list of the different things that you would (if you were a voter in Nigeria) want to have addressed by the candidates of this country.
B. Discuss how first taking in information from what you know and turning it into things you want to see addressed help you maintain objectivity?

Workplace Violence
 (Must complete A& B parts to get 100%, 1C is extra credit and needed for certification)
1A. Find three sources of assistance for those who experience work-place abuse. For example; a counseling service.
1B. How would you raise awareness of the issue of work-place bullying, as a general issue, in your work-place or community?
1C. From the 25 bullying behaviors (found in the workbook); identify behaviors that would dissuade a victim from filing a complaint or confronting their abuser. Explain your reasoning for your choices.

Objectivity Files 3
In the last module, you came up with a series of questions, this module, we’re going to look at one of the platforms of the 2019 Nigeria Campaign.  The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate the value of not looking to news outlets and/or social peers/media for information, but rather relying upon your own research on a topic.
Alliance for New Nigeria Manifesto
ANN is a third party candidate for 2019's campaign, and was created to combat the current two prominent parties of Nigeria.  For Part A of this assignment, you will need to break out your list from the last module.
Part A:
1) Did the Manifesto address all the questions on your list?
2) Did the Manifesto leave you with more questions you want answered before you decide whether or not ANN would be a viable candidate if you were a Nigerian Voter?
Part B:
Pick one of the questions from your list, and it's corresponding answer.  If none of your questions were addressed by the Manifesto, pick a topic in the Manifesto to research.  Answer the following questions:
1) Have the tactics outlined in the manifesto been tried anywhere else before?  If yes, what seems to be the results according to scholarly (primary) sources? (Editorial sources will not be acceptable citations, please use to research this topic).
2) List what you believe are the pros and the cons of ANN's proposal to resolve the issue.
Your answer must be 250 words minimum (not including citations), with a minimum of 3 primary sources ( ) to support your answers.
Part C:
Discuss why is it important that you seek out information from the source, rather than rely upon what others have to say on the matter?

 (must complete both parts to get 100% credit)
1A. What are three reasons that a person may not be able to break free of a bully/abuser? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations, if you provide any).

1B. What are three resources local to you they can help a victim of abuse your answer should not include police, medical services or other first responders.

The Breaking Point
To what extent should we tolerate a person’s unwise decisions? Are there circumstances where an individual should act to protect a person against themselves, for that person’s own good? If it helps, consider an individual with a gambling problem as an example. Discuss, and support your answer.

Paradox of Tolerance (Bachelor's Program)
This assignment corresponds with Module 9, Paradox of Tolerance, in "Self-Awareness" by Keith Williams, Alethea Thompson & Perris Cartwright 
(must complete both parts to get 100% credit)
3A. Does the Paradox of Tolerance objectively exist in a real-world example? Discuss, and support your response.   Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations, if you provide any).

3B. Critically evaluate this statement: "The application of the theory of pluralism always favours the groups in existence against those in formation”.

Objectivity Files 4
This exercise is in two parts.  I ask you to not cheat here.  Also know, that this is not about conspiracy theories.  We are, in NO WAY, asking you to endorse or believe what the material says.  You are not being asked to justify your stance on original material, you are only being asked to compare and contrast what you know of it before and after you review the primary source material.
In the last couple of classes, you've been asked to use primary and secondary source material to complete some of your material, and in this Objectivity File, we want to illustrate just how subtle (or even sometimes profoundly) different what you hear from sources that are not the original source.  This happens in all settings- The News, Religious Organizations, School, Friends, Work, and out on the street.
For this assignment, we are asking you to look at the 1619 Project.  As of the writing of this assignment, it is currently being debated as a possible addition in the Public School System. This project has is one of many topics which surface around the Critical Race Theory (CRT) debate.
Part A:
If you have not heard the discussions from 1619 Project opponents, take this opportunity to look up the controversy around it.  Below are a few of videos that you can use to look into it (note: we are aware that these are very bias, so let us reiterate- we are in NO WAY asking you to take sides in this discussion or in your own life.  These bias opinions are here to give you the opposing view of the project):
The Glenn Show:
The Glenn Show (Pt. 2):
The Heritage Foundation:
Part B:
Watch and/or read the links below on the 1619 Project.  Explain what you saw in the 1619 project and compare it against what you saw in Part A.
New York Times 1619 Project Symposium
Pulitzer Center Curriculum-

Part C:
Explain why it is important to look at primary sources for yourself, rather than take what others say at face value.

Letting Go
What are some things that you feel would indicate to you that you were no longer a catalyst for someone's growth and may need to cut ties for either your own or their betterment? (Please be descriptive, there is no word count minimum for this assignment)


This assignment is added to the curriculum as a result of the 2024 revision of the Jedi Compass.

Take the self-assessment below and rate yourself in each section. Looking over the section(s) you scored thelowest in, take some time to mediate and write down what you believe are the causes of your score being solow. Develop your own personalized self-care action plan based on each section of Mental Health Well-BeingSelf-Assessment you took in your last assignment.

Objectivity Files 5
Over the last couple of modules you have been given tools to increase your ability to be objective.  We showed you how you can apply it to different types of decisions and understandings of people around us.  But there's a component that hasn't really been discussed- the value of a bias.
All over the spiritual communities you hear that everyone has to have an open mind.  Or that someone isn't open-minded because they take a hardline stance on something which is controversial.  But being bias on something, and taking those hardline stances are not necessary bad things.  Two people that are on opposing sides of the Capital Punishment debate, for example, does not make either person good or bad.
To close out your Objectivity files, we want you to list two reasons that having a Bias can be good, and two reasons it can be bad.  Explain how understanding both the pros and cons of a personal bias can improve your ability to be objective.

Submit Your Final Paper (Bachelor's Program)


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