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The Jedi Compass
By The Jedi Community

The Ineffable
The Force- “The Force” is a loosely adapted term to explain a something which all cultures agree exist, but disagree on exactly what it is. As such, a Jedi dedicates themselves to understanding of all things within and through “the Force”. As a rule, no Jedi can set down in law a concrete definition of “the Force” for all to follow, only for themselves.

Core Ethics
Loyalty to the Jedi Code- This has a few different variants depending on what order a Jedi attends. A Jedi is bound by the code. By maintaining your loyalty to the code, you are able to keep your actions in check through the moral integrity of the Jedi Path outlined in the Jedi Code. It is important that a Jedi checks their own version of the code against the original codes (Jedi Code and Skywalker Code) before they adopt it.
Duty to the All- A Jedi's mission is to support their community through service. A Jedi is charged with acting, objectively, when they recognise a situation where someone needs help. Jedi put their lives above the lives of others, even when facing danger, but know that they can help through direct action or indirect action as per the situation.
Respect the Law- A Jedi knows enough of the law to operate within it. Jedi should respect, and do their best to live by, the laws of the land they are living in. However, these are man's law, and like man, subject to flaws. A Jedi must act for the best interest of mankind as he/she sees the situation.
Defense- A Jedi understands that defense is not purely physical, but that there are many ways to defend a person or property. As such, it is important to understand that Jedi are not vigilantes. If, however, they are in a position where they are called to defend themselves or someone else against loss of life, limb or eyesight, they are allowed to apply the appropriate amount of force necessary for defense.
Action- A Jedi recognizes that there are times when getting involved with a situation is against the will of the person they are seeking to assist, or that helping them may be more detrimental in the long run. As such, a Jedi seeks inner wisdom to determine when to act and when not to act.

Self Awareness
Interior- A Jedi works to become aware of their emotions and things which make them “tick”. They learn of their flaws and strengths, seeking to reconcile a life with those flaws which they cannot change and the strengths they have been blessed with. In this a Jedi must be constantly looking inward for their motivations, their directions, what moves them, and why they allow it to do so.
Exterior- It is important that a Jedi be aware of the person they present to those around them, and how that will affect the dynamic of the groups they find themselves in. How one's presence is received will determine whether or not the next steps will be met with hostility or acceptance.

Tolerance- You do not need to agree with someone's religion, their nationality, their career choice, their dress or anything else for that matter. Tolerance is not about agreement, it is about showing respect for the freedom of a persons choices and to respect their choices, until it reaches a point in which a reasonable person would consider the individual's actions as a/an (emotionally, spiritually, financially, and/or physically) abusive threat to you or another person.
Responsibility- Responsibility is at the heart of learning to overcome our problems. A Jedi should be held responsible for all of their actions. Without it, we cannot grow, we cannot help others and we cannot justify why we are to be taken seriously.
Discipline- In order to walk the Jedi Path, you need to live by your training and by the philosophy. It is your responsibility to continue your growth throughout the rest of your life. Even while you are training with a mentor or taking a course at an order, it is discipline that will get you through to your knighthood and beyond.
Fortitude- Fortitude is the emotional strength and conviction to press forward in any given situation which poses an internal or external adversity. Developing fortitude allows a Jedi to show that they are not willing to give up until they have drawn their last breath.
Integrity- A Jedi seeks to maintain their integrity to the Jedi Code at all times. A Jedi should hold themselves to a high standard knowing that what they do when no one is looking is just as important as what they do when people are looking.
Objectivity- A Jedi trains themselves to gain as much relevant information as possible before drawing their conclusions. Once intelligence has been collected, they approach the problem with as little cultural and emotional bias as possible so that they are able to develop a decision on their next action.

Aggression- To build on the Jedi Virtues, a Jedi must keep themselves open to the world. Through the misuse of aggression, they miss out on opportunities to further their cause. This does not preclude being assertive. A Jedi needs to learn to find the most effective means of resolving a conflict through the least bit of hostility possible.
Recklessness- A Jedi does not take unnecessary risks, knowing that their life is important to the Jedi Mission of bettering the world around them. In overcoming recklessness, a Jedi acknowledges and is mindful of how small the impact is perceived to have on themselves or others.
Attachments- Overcoming your attachments is not about getting rid of all your possessions or even denouncing your family, instead this is about forward movement. In overcoming/subjagating your attachments, you are acknowledging what value these things have to you, and you recognize that there comes a time when you should no longer fight for your attachments, and you must let go. For a Jedi overcoming attachments can extend to bad habits, unhealthy obsessions, and connections to people that make us less who we have chosen to be.

Defense Art- A “Defense Art” is not necessarily physical in nature, it can be through speech, writing, diplomacy, art or a number of other options which lead to an active method of curing the world of oppression. Like many of the other disciplines, you may find that your Defense Art is the same as another art (Physical, Scholarly, or Spiritual).
Physical Art- A Jedi should seek a physical art within their capabilities which keeps them them in shape and focuses on maintaining discipline of their body. . Part of the physical art, which can be observed by all Jedi regardless of their mobility, is health. A Jedi should eat right, and maintain their health to the best of their ability.
Scholarly Art- A Jedi should seek out skills that provide benefit to them and the people around them. The search for knowledge is fundamental to Jedi as one never stops learning, seeking knowledge or bettering their skills.
Spiritual Art- A spiritual art may be as simple as developing meditation, but can go far beyond this. A Jedi may choose to develop a spiritual art aimed at connecting them with “the Force” through healing, seeking guidance, or simply developing their own self awareness.

Your Social Concerns
In your residential community, what are some things that you believe should be changed (it could be crime, laws, social injustices, etc)? What do you believe is the best way to resolve these issues? Do you think it requires social change? That legislation might be the answer? Or is there another way that the community or people outside of the community could help resolve the issue? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations, if you provide any).

Instructions for Your Mid-Term Paper
Your Mid-Term Paper must be a minimum of 5 pages (not including Title and Source pages), double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt Font and include a minimum of 5 sources (10 is preferred) in APA Format, one source must be the Jedi Compass.
A) Read the following document (multiple languages can be found in the upper right hand corner of the site) and select an Article to research.
B) Using the following link, identify a country which the UN has deemed in violation of this article you chose in A.
Questions that should be answered:

1) What has/is the United Nations doing to enforce this article in the country?
2) What actions has/is the Country taking to enforce this article, or to prevent the UN from imposing it's will?
3) Using the Jedi Compass, explain how a Jedi should react to a situation where they are in this country and witness a violation of this Article.

The Gunshot
After hearing what sounds like a gun shot, you see someone run out of the house.  Do you go in to make sure everything is okay? You know the individual is completely gone, you most likely will not see them come back. Do you dare walk into the home to ensure the safety of the others in there?  Why or why not? What considerations from the Jedi Compass come to mind?  Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations), with at least 1 source (must be The Jedi Compass) in APA format.

Knowing the Laws
Research your local Good Samaritan Law and Citizen's Arrest. Provide links to each and give a brief summary of each law.  Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations), with minimum of 3 sources (at least 1 source per law) in APA format.
If one (or both) of these laws are not present, give your opinion on why it may not exist.  If you are having difficulty locating the law, do not hesitate to come to me directly and ask for help. 

Research a Political Movement
Research a recent political movement that either succeeded or failed. Take notes on where they failed or succeeded in areas of organization, building awareness & support, finding allies for their cause, and funding their efforts. Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations), with minimum of 2 sources in APA format.

How you would react to this situation: You are a member of an indigeonous people who managed to get together and purchase a large area of land for development.  The goals of your collective community was to build a place so that you could live in, in accordance with the lifestyle of your ancestors.  In time, you hoped to seek out government protections for the property so that you could eventually hold autonomy as an indigenous group separate from oversight (law enforcement) of the reigning government.  However, while you and this community continued to build the project, the property tax holders for the land you are on made it too cumbersome for your community to continue paying the mortgage and taxes for the land, and it was eventually reclaimed by the bank.  This has left you and your community homeless.  After petitioning the courts, you find that the courts refuse your side, and take the side of your debtors.

Your answer should address the following questions-

1) How do you feel you would react to this situation today?
2) How would your wanted reaction affect your life?
3) What other solutions might be available to you?

(NOTE: I know that most people do not know how they will react when the time comes, this is merely a thought experiment, and not intended to make the statement that this is how you WILL react if the time ever comes)

Effective Non-Violence
Come up with an example of non-violence that effectively helped transform
a hostile environment. Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations), with a minimum of 2 sources in APA format.

How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Watch Start with Why- How Great Leaders Inspire Action” at
Referring back to the question you answered in Question 1 of Module 1 answer the following question: “Why do you care about what happens to your community?”. Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations, if you provide any).

Are You Comfortable With Your Representatives?
Do you feel comfortable writing those that are suppose to represent your interests- from the local government level all the way up to the national? Why or Why Not? Are there some representatives you feel you can communicate with, but not others? Why or Why Not? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations, if you provide any).

Submit Your Mid-Term Paper

Are You Capable of Defending Your Position?

You will need to complete all three parts to get 100% credit
1A. Consider your preparedness to defend yourself in a physical altercation: on a scale of 1-10 where would you score yourself? Please explain your reasoning.
1B. How would you rate your ability to actively defend your opinions on a scale of 1-10? Please explain your reasoning.
1C. How would you rate your knowledge of local law, and/or awareness of local issues on a scale of 1-10? Please explain your reasoning. 

Personal Skillset
You must answer both questions to receive 100% credit
1. What skillset would you consider the cornerstone of your ability to help others? For example: first aid skills.
2. Can you think of other situations beside an unconscious casualty where we may safely presume consent without it being explicit?

Personal Self-Defense Measures
To complete this, you will need to answer all three questions, with 200 words minimum altogether; questions do not count towards word count)
1) One on a scale of 1-10 how well do you feel you follow good practice regarding self-preservation and prevention measures. Explain your reasoning.
2) Identify which suggested good practices you already follow, and which you do not. Discuss the practicalities of each, and which might be problematic for you to adhere to, and what alternative you could try.
3) Identify what self-defense related activities you already engage in, and how you feel you could improve on them, and your applicable skills.

Physical Defense
This assignment corresponds with Module 6, Physical Defense: Essentials of Defense, and Defense of Others, in the workbook "In the Interest of Peace" by Alethea Thompson & Keith Williams
You must answer both questions to receive 100%
On a scale 1-10, how prepared are you to defend yourself or others in the type of violent situations outlined under defense of others. Explain your reasoning. 

2) On a scale of 1-10; how relevant would you consider self-defense, and prevention methods to your life right now. Explain your reasoning.

Case Study
This assignment corresponds with the Case Studies in Module 6 of  "In the Interest of Peace" by Alethea Thompson & Keith Williams.

Choose one of the Case Studies and answer what did the individuals in the case study do correctly, and what did they do wrong?

Case Study
Case Study:
The renowned, or infamous, Richard Dawkins had his appearance at an event hosted by Berkeley’s KPFA Radio, to discuss his memoir, cancelled based on posts (tweets on twitter) he had made regarding Islam. KPFA explained their reasoning for the cancellation as their being ignorant of the offense, and harm, Dawkins has caused through his comments, when they initially booked the event. Adding, that as an entity the Radio Station does not endorse hateful speech. A particular “tweet” of Dawkins which has been under scrutiny was as follows:
“I think Islam is the greatest force for evil in the world today”
The argument can be made that said tweet is discriminatory; because it is not an exact criticism of an element of Islam, or a belief within islam. Rather, it is a blanket statement about the faith, which can be taken to imply that practitioners of Islam, Muslims, are inherently evil due to their religious affiliation. Similarly; in a recent interview for the United Kingdom News Paper the telegraph was quoted as saying the following:
“If you look at the actual impact that different religions have on the world it’s quite apparent that at present the most evil religion in the world has to be Islam. It’s terribly important to modify that because of course that doesn’t mean all Muslims are evil, very far from it. Individual Muslims suffer more from Islam than anyone else. They suffer from the homophobia, the misogyny, the joylessness which is preached by extreme Islam, Isis and the Iranian regime.”
Issue was primarily taken with his statement that the most evil religion in the world is Islam. Although, he does go onto balance the argument, by first making a direct statement about Muslims in relation to the religion, and then secondly by stating specific issues, i.e. misogyny. However, it is still not a balanced argument, and again much inference can be made about the statement of Islam being evil. Whatever he then states about Muslims does not detract from the fact he has stated their religion is evil.
In response; Dawkins, and supporters have argued that the cancellation of the event, and KPFA’s argument that Dawkin’s statements against Islam constitutes hate speech, are an impediment of free speech. They have also argued that it is a double standard, when one considers the criticism of other religions by several form KPFA guests has not been subject to the same verdict.
Assignment Questions (must answer all four questions to recieve 100% credit)
1. What, if any forms, of discrimination are present. Explain your reasoning.
2. Given the circumstances; would you have done something different, and if so, why?
3. What forms of discrimination would you identify as current issues?
4. What ways would you consider discrimination as being likely to impact your life?

Instructions for Final Paper
 (500-1000 words each A and B)
A. Construct a scenario; using the following 5 directions:
Identify a source of discrimination, and thus the source of an argument.
Create a balanced argument which is both for, and against, the type of discrimination.
Identity evident weaknesses in the argument you have created.
Hypothesize ways this type of discrimination could occur, and begin a confrontation.
Discuss your preparedness if the argument were to escalate into violence.

B.  Summarize the basic ethics of defense for each arena of defense. What are the skills intended for from a Jedi perspective?

Think of a time when you were faced with great adversity and just wanted to give up. You might have actually given up, or you may have pressed forward. What did you learn about yourself and your ability to cultivate fortitude in your life, if at all? If you have not cultivated fortitude into your life, what fears prevent you from being able to move forward and moving with the “will of 'the Force'” (or in some instances, with the will of your deity)?  Your answer must be 250 words minimum (not including citations, if any)

Jedi Code & Our Actions
This assignment corresponds with the workbook "In the Interest of Peace" by Alethea Thompson & Keith Williams, Module 10's article "How does the Jedi Code inform our actions?"
You must complete 1, 2 and 3 to receive 100% credit
Choose between 1A and 1B:
1. Which of the 5 Precepts presented in the lecture would you argue should be taken as a “Commandment”?  Discuss and support your answer.
1B. Of the precepts; is there a hypothetical situation where you feel it would be required, or permissible, to break a precept to perform the “Right Action” for that situation. Discuss and support your answer.
2. Compare our two rules from Module 7 (Consent and ESP) and the four ethics guidelines presented this module? Is there consistent over-lap, or any contradictions? Discuss.
3. Exploring social context: You have come across an individual in evident distress; they are sweating, appear pale and unwell, but are responsive. They are in a public space, and there are other people available to assist. Compare, and contrast, how you would approach this situation in your work-place versus how you would confront this situation as a private citizen.

Assignment 1
You must complete 1-2 parts to receive 100% credit; and to receive the Bachelor's Degree you'll need to answer #3 (corresponding with Module 9, Orthodoxy & Orthopraxy, in the workbook "In the Interest of Peace" by Alethea Thompson & Keith Williams)
1. List five to seven things you consider important to you. Explain your reasoning.
2. List three qualities you consider noble, virtuous, or morally upright. List qualities you consider negative in a person to hold. Compare, and contrast, to the values contained in the Jedi Compass.
3. Respond, in brief, to the questions of matrix one as shown in the workbook. Outline a strategy using matrix two based on your responses to matrix one.

Analyzing the Past
You must complete each part to receive 100% credit
Identify a situation from your personal life you believe could have been resolved more effectively. (Please keep other parties involved anonymous) Answer the following questions:
1. How did you behave? What were your thoughts and emotions?
2. What did you learn from the experience?
3. Was the outcome as you expected? How could you have behaved differently to change the outcome?
4. What actions have you taken to prevent a similar situation in the future?

Metaphysical Defense Ethics
Must complete 1 and 2 to receive full credit
1. Explain why it is better to recommend a person who is experiencing a metaphysical attack to counseling over launching some form of spiritual attack at the assailant.  And why might the reason (anger, delusion, etc) you cite be important?  
2. Explain how the Jedi Code and Jedi Compass support telling someone who wants to attack another person metaphysically to seeking counseling instead of launching an attack?
Your answer must be 150 words minimum (not including citations, if any)

Submit Your Final Paper


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