Setanaoko replied to the topic 'Bachelor Program' in the forum. 1 month ago

Local Volunteer Organization
Research a volunteer organisation local to you. How relevant to your interests is said charity, and what benefits could you predict from being a member. Also identify potential risks you feel would be likely. If you already volunteer, feel free to use you experiences in favour of researching a new organisation. (250 words minimum)

Self-Care & Duty to All
This assignment is added to the curriculum as a result of the 2022 revision of the Jedi Compass.

In your own life, you have the power to help others with self-care. This may be at the Interpersonal Level, theCommunity Level, the Organizational Level or the Policy level. Choose one of these levels that you feel you are personally capable of influencing and discuss how you can help build a self-care support network for others within that sphere.

Psychological Challenges of Volunteering
Volunteering, in general, will put you face-to-face with realities you may not have ever experienced. For some, it will dredge up past events they thought they had overcome. For this assignment, consider your own mental health and try to be honest with yourself.
A) Research some of the psychological challenges you may face as a volunteer; 
B) What are some ways that you can work to overcome these challenges
You answer must be 250 words minimum (not including citations), with 2 sources minimum.

Journal Assignment
A Running Journal: Choose a problem that is currently going on in your community.  It might be drugs, homelessness, an abundance of elderly people that do not have sufficient medical services, frequent natural disasters, human trafficking, unclean waterways, illiteracy - the sky is the limit.  Your topic may be related to the assignment on the "Introduction" page, and can even be in an area that you are already volunteering in.  Questions you will need to look into during your research are as follows:

A) Why is the problem something that needs to be addressed in your community?
B) What organizations are actively addressing the problem in your area already (if there are any at all)?

C) What programs exist outside of your area which address this issue?  And how well are they working out?

D) What training exists to help build a stronger foundation to tackle this problem?

E) What obstacles (legal, social, supplies, training, etc) would need to be addressed to implement some of the strategies local groups have not yet put into action?

To complete this assignment, maintain your running journal in the Light Aspects "Learner Journal Space" on Force Academy's forums.

Inflexible Beliefs
Outline any inflexible beliefs you have you feel could be compromised in an occupation you could feasibly become involved in. For example; a vegetarian involved in retail or service work involving the handling of meat products. From what has been discussed how would you try to resolve such an issue? (250 words minimum, not including citations)

If you felt that a community had alienated and disenfranchised you, do you believe it would affect your ability to fulfill your role as a Jedi in that community? What about an individual within that community? (250 words minimum, not including citations)

Duty vs. Moral Sentiments
Does duty supersede personal moral sentiments? Discuss. (250 words minimum, not including citations)

Creative Assignment
Create something! A poem, a short story, a painting, or a photograph; something that speaks to you in any way that you want.

Applying Theory 1
This assignment corresponds with Module 3's  "Applying Theory" in the workbook "A Jedi’s Duty: The Meaning of Service" by Alethea Thompson & Keith Williams
Using the frame-work within this module’s lecture and your blog assignment from Module 1: Identify and propose a solution to the problem in your community that you identified in Module 1.  This is just a proposed plan, and should not proceed beyond stage 5.   For legal purposes we advise that you seek proper consultation before implementing your proposal. (Minimum word count 500)

Hobbies & Your Scholarly Art
 List your hobbies, and/or passion that you feel could qualify as a basis for a scholarly art. Justify your answers. (Minimum 250 words)

Your Scholarly Art?
Outline your proposed scholarly art, and justify your decision (Minimum 500 words)

Applying Theory 2
This assignment corresponds with Module 3's  "Applying Theory" in the workbook "A Jedi’s Duty: The Meaning of Service" by Alethea Thompson & Keith Williams
Expand, or create another proposal, using the method outlined in Module 3 However, the solution proposed must contain a crafted item, or original work to be part of the solution. This can be connected to your creative project. (Minimum 1000 words)

A Cause Worth Fighting For?
What cause do you feel is important to you? Be specific, such as autism awareness, anti-bullying, racism, saving the whales, cleaning up trash, reducing carbon omissions, human trafficking, drug abuse, etc. Why do you feel this causes important? Choose carefully as you will be using this cause in the following modules discussions.
Your answer should be 250 words minimum, not including citations

Make a list of different groups you are a part of that you believe you have influence in.  Looking over this list, do you believe any of these groups you consider your “personal sphere of influence” would be helpful in championing the cause you talk about in Assignment 1?  If yes, how do you believe they can work together to help?  If no, what do you believe you need to do in order to increase your “personal sphere of influence” to work on this cause?
Your answer should be 250 words minimum, not including citations

Final Paper (Bachelor's Program)
Your final paper must be a minimum of 5 pages (not including Title and Source pages), double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt Font and include a minimum of 5 sources (10 is preferred) in APA Format.
Choose an activist or an activist group you admire. Questions your paper should answer:

What is their cause?
How did they raise awareness?
How did they raise funds?
How do they improve conditions in favor of their cause?

To complete this assignment, submit the name of the organization you will be researching below.

Art as Defense
Going back to A Cause Worth Fighting For?Assignment in Module 5, how has art been used to assist in this cause? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations), with minimum of 2 sources in APA format.

Literature as Defense
Going back to A Cause Worth Fighting For?Assignment in Module 5, how has Literature been used to assist in this cause? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations), with minimum of 2 sources in APA format.

Research as Defense
Going back to A Cause Worth Fighting For?Assignment in Module 5, how has research been used to assist in this cause? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations), with minimum of 2 sources in APA format.

Education as Defense
Going back to A Cause Worth Fighting For?Assignment in Module 5, how has education been used to assist in this cause? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations), with minimum of 2 sources in APA format.

Legislation as Defense
Going back to A Cause Worth Fighting For?Assignment in Module 5, how has legislation been used to assist in this cause? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations), with minimum of 2 sources in APA format.

Outreach as Defense
Going back to A Cause Worth Fighting For?Assignment in Module 5, how has outreach been used to assist in this cause? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations), with minimum of 2 sources in APA format.

The Road to Hell...
A Jedi's role is to protect civilization.  Unfortunately, there are a LOT of things that we can pursue which seem good on the outside, but actually do more harm than good.
Your assignment is to discuss one of the following:
1) A policy which seems like it would benefit your country, but has actually caused more harm when it was implemented in another country.
2) An outreach program which seems to benefit a cause, but has actually harmed their cause more.
Your answer must be 250 words minimum (excluding sources), and include a minimum of 3 sources.

Traditional Martial Arts
Without referencing the Star Wars Universe, explain why you feel Traditional Martial Arts training should or shouldn’t be required of a Jedi.

Physical Fitness Plan
You'll need to complete A & B to answer C.  This corresponds with Module 9 & 10.
A) Develop a week long (5 days minimum) Physical Fitness Plan based on what you can accomplish.  If you do not already have a gym membership, hold off on getting one until you are confident you can maintain a schedule so you aren’t feeling as though you have wasted your money.  If, however, you already have a membership then write a plan that includes your gym’s capabilities.
B) Once you have created your program, use next week  to execute your plan.  Use the section on Module 11 to document problems you are having keeping up with the plan, or problems you foresee having in the future in maintaining a committment.  If you come up with an excuse for why you cannot do one of the days, write down what that excuse is.  Also note how you feel after a workout.
C) To Complete this Assignment, answer the following questions after you have completed Parts A & B: During this week, what have you noticed about yourself as you attempted to get through this workout plan?  Did you find that it was difficult to get yourself to perform the workout?  If so, what do you think you can do to overcome this problem in the future?

Which Art Fits You?
The different methods described in these last few modules are just a handful of ways we can use our talents to fight for our cause. Over the last few modules you have grown to better understand the Jedi concept of "Defense Art".  With this knowledge, tell us what sort of Art do you feel would best fit you to defend the cause you have spoken on throughout the course?  How would you use this style to promote your cause? Your answer must be a minimum of 250 words (not including citations, if you provide any).

Submit Your Final Paper


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