Meditation: Introduction

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What makes one decide to meditate? Everyone has their reasons: mental, physical, spiritual – meditation aids in all of these on multiple levels and is the driving force of bringing all of them together. When first sitting down to meditate it is important to keep one thing in mind: let it flow naturally. Never force yourself to meditate longer than you are able. For many just starting out, if they can pull off ten minutes of meditative stillness, this is a great accomplishment. Start slow and try and leave all preconceived notions of snap insights and instant enlightenment behind. Keep it simple and expect nothing. This is, after all, a life long journey and isn't something you can get the 'cliff notes' on. Patience is key.

Realistically speaking, when first starting out it's possible to not take to meditation right away. There are some who are so thirsty for the calm it brings, they will slip into the practice without a second thought ...but, in fact, most have problems of some sort. In a way, it asks a lot - those who aren't raised on meditation almost have to alter their thought processes. Let's be honest, quieting your thoughts and going to the state of simply "being" – not exactly something anyone can fully grasp in a single sitting or two. You'll quiet your mind, sink into meditation and suddenly you're thinking about a test that you have the next day or what to fix for dinner or what needs to be done at the office. Practically everyone goes through this and above all, never let it be a source of frustration. Again, patience and let it flow naturally. If you find yourself in that situation, simply let the thoughts go and return to your centering method. (be that breathing, mantra, etc)

Now, you've heard it practically everywhere: meditation is the key; meditation is the foundation. So, what does meditating accomplish? Meditation is the art of quieting the mind, allowing you to listen totally and completely to yourself. Any answers that you seek are already within you, waiting – you need only still your mind and listen. As time goes on and your meditation deepens so does your understanding of yourself and with this a door is opened into a totally new world. Your journey in meditation is a journey to the depths of yourself and, as it goes without saying, therein lies ultimate awareness of the force.

The coming lectures will cover a wide range of meditative techniques and practices. For the most part, the basic set up stays the same for any meditative exercise: sitting normally in a chair or on a flat surface (floor, bed, etc) with your legs comfortably folded or flat on the floor, back straight, eyes closed, in as quiet of an area as possible.

Again, always remember to let the meditation process flow naturally, with time you'll find that it seems to take on a life of its own. Patience is key and frustration is the opposite of what you are wanting to accomplish. If you find yourself unable to quiet your mind, try not to let it bother you. Use a different centering technique, get up and do something, go to sleep – any thing but get frustrated with yourself and your meditation. And above all, enjoy the practice – meditation opens countless doors and will help usher in deeply esoteric states of awareness's a long journey but truly a vital one.

Tags: meditation

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