Natural Order

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Natural order accounts for the progressive development through time. In nature, one season follows another in the proper sequence, without haste. A tree grows from a seedling as an adult grows from an infant. A Jedi’s training is similar, it does not work backwards nor can it be rushed.

Only humans tend to hurry and rush things. Our minds race through things faster than life. We tend to ignore the mindfulness activities and resort to rushing through things with such haste. We set goals, which tend to be so arbitrary. Goals are good and can be productive, but I would suggest dropping the notion of rigid time schedules. Time goals tend to be unrealistic, even while utilizing the Force; we can not see the future. Life holds too many twists and turns, too many changes to second-guess the natural order of things.

When training we understand that progress is a function of both time and intensity. One can spend more time at less intensity and vice versa, we just need to maintain a balance.

If you begin to over train or be too intense, you’ll lose motivation and eventual cease your activity. Yet if you train reluctantly, lacking modest goals, the same fate will befall you.

Humor is a good sign that you have a balanced perspective, reflecting your alignment with the natural order of life’s flow. After all, no matter how Jedi-like our aspirations are, we remain eternally small in the great universe. Our achievements will be the action that brings harmony to this beautiful world!

Be well!

Oda, Jedi Master


“As a would-be Jedi Student you will need a teacher or a Master. You may not realize this but you have one! Look around you will see them the best one you could ever find—just take a good look in a mirror.” —Jason - Christopher Garrett, Jedi Knight

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