My View of "The Force" as a Christian

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(Pre-2015 Piece)

We are all students of "the Force" here, and as such we have different ways to interpret "the Force". That being said, the following is only my interpretation of what "the Force" is and what it is not in the Christian context.

I could probably sit here and tell you about the different parts of "the Force", these being "Personal Force", "Living Force" and "Unifying Force". However, It is my view that this separation gives "the Force" a limitation. The more I plunge into this concept, the more I keep running into those questions that tend to plague mankind when they contemplate the beginning of everything.

Most of you know that I am a Christian. For that matter, most of you probably know that my dog tags read "Christian Jedi". In that regards, you should be able to deduct that I believe in God-the great "I AM". As a Christian, I've been asking as of recent: Does God exist because of the Force, or does the Force exist because of God? Researching the Bible has brought me closer to the idea that the Force and God are two separate entities. Much the same as our soul is separate from our body.

Back in November 2007, Master Joni of Force Academy asked me to describe to him how I viewed "the Force", to which I replied:

"Take the analogy that God is the Sun, and Satan the Moon. Light come from the sun and replenishes everything, therefore the Sun is the greatest wielder of this source. However, because of free will, the Sun allows for the Moon to radiate it's light upon the earth, giving it a sense of having it's own illumination. The Moon is used to control the tides, and thus has its own "power", but would not be recognized for it's power were it not for the reflection of the sun's rays. So God gives everyone the ability to use this "power" in order to serve his or her will. The hope, however, is that it will be used for His will, and His glory."

Looking back on this and how I now view the Force, I can't really use it anymore. For this shows that "the Force" is directly from God. However, as I pointed out above, I don't know exactly where "the Force" comes from. But I can tell you that they appear to be two separate bodies, and that "the Force" does not have a will of it's own. What we PERCEIVE as it's "will" is the consciousness God (good) and the consciousness Satan(evil)(this does not take the responsibility off of the individual for their choices, in fact, it places a greater responsibility on the individual to discern which is right and which is wrong) . Both are strong wielders of "the Force". Yet it appears that God is able to wield "the Force" more accurately. It is my speculation, that this is because God has been at it quite a bit longer than Satan-as it is shown in Abrahamic traditions that Satan was created by God. Of course, the other theory is by looking at the Jewish view of Satan, which cannot be said any better than by Sarith D'Moren's monologue "Sympathy for the Devil":

"And Lucifer looks at me and I will never forget what he said. I can see his eyes now, so full of resolve. He said ‘The Most High has abandoned reason. He has accused me of things that have not and will not come to pass. But I need help to show the Most High that I am loyal to him. Swear to me that you will help, and we will demonstrate how obedient we are to Him!’”
“Took me a long time to figure out how important that part was. If we don’t have free will, if we don’t have a choice, how could we have rebelled?
“What is it that your kind says nowadays? ‘Hind sight is always 20/20?’ Eventually I began to understand. To realize how everything had been manipulated. How all of us had been so carefully maneuvered. Finally I knew the truth of the matter, that when the Most High had told Lucifer who the betrayer was, it wasn’t a foretelling. It wasn’t prophecy or merely even a demonstration of His omniscience.
“It was an order.”
Sympathy for the Devil, By Sarith D'Moren (FA Dark Jedi Knight)

In this respect, Satan is nothing more than an agent for God working with "I Am" to weed out those who truly love him and those who do not. As a Christian, I am not privy to this belief, but I do not rule it out as a possibility.

Some of you may wonder "If God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent, then saying God and the Force are not the same entity is limiting Gods power. Or to say that "the Force" created God is to limit His power." Quite the opposite. It has been proven time and time again, that God does not step outside of the rules anyway. In fact, it is even proven through the book "The Physics of Christianity" by Frank J. Tipler that God abides by the rules of modern day physics. Even further than that, in a recent article of "Scientific American" new theories have come into light challenging Albert Einstien's Special Law Relativity. So either he does so because he has to-the Force created God-or because he refuses to alter the laws of science because it is against his morals-God created the Force. The more man dives into understanding physics, the easier it becomes to understand things that our ancestors knew about, but did not have our modern way of explaining the phenomena. In short, God is able to do everything by using "the Force" to accomplish it. It makes everything easier for him to manage the universe we live in. Perhaps even, it could be speculated that "the Force" created "I Am" for the specific purpose of maintaining the stability of the universe.

Tags: Light Aspect The Force

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