As aspiring Jedi, it is essential to cultivate an understanding of the energy field that is the source of the Jedi's power. This energy field exists all around us and it's source is what we would call "reality."
The Force is perceptible to us on a variety of levels. One of the most approachable ways to experience it is through the realms of our five terrestrial senses. Everything that we perceive is composed of electromagnetic energy.
Sight-light photons to our eyes.
Sound vibrations through the air into our ears.
Touch-tactile contact occurs when our nerves system is activated by external pressure casing a cascade of neuro-electrical effects throughout our peripheral nervous system.
Smell and Taste occur when external matter come into contact with the numerous receptor cells in our nose and mouth.
The Force is present within this modulated electromagnetic and material stimuli- our awareness of it is awakened when something we perceive effects us emotionally. For the terrestrial senses it is our heart that resonates when we experience the Force.
The role our higher reasoning centers is to use wisdom, humility and forbearance in the interpretation of what our 5 senses tell us.
Ideally it increases our bond with and enjoyment of things that we would interpret as life affirming and transforms that which is death affirming back to it's original base form-energy.
While intonations that are interpreted by a LSJ as being positive are allowed full permeation into ones being- intonations that are interpreted as negative are accepted first, contemplated with humility and love and reverence for all, then rechanneled as energy throughout the Jedi's heart and mind. A LSJ is able to accomplish this through the realization of ones infinitesimal and simultaneously infinite place in the universe. By accepting that the universe is infinite we accord with our own true natures. This realization is what allows to cultivate internal placidity for it frames sensory stimulation within the boundaries of that which is totally acceptable- just as it is the stone that accepts the stream that shapes it.