This 'lecture' was sent to me by a Light Jedi, and although it has no direct relevance to the Shadow side I thought it would be interesting to analyze it from a Shadow perspective.
In essence a Dark Jedi uses the force to create for themselves a god like presence. "If you do as god does enough times, you become as god is." Dark Jedi destroy what gives them their power, however there is a contradiction in the passage which was sent to me. How are theJedi to prevent this "mutilation of life and of the force" without destroying Dark Jedi. And if they do this do they not become as Dark Jedi are? Destroyers of life .... The Light side shows stark contradictions within itself, whereas at least the Dark side is true to itself and its purposes. Even if that purpose is self destructive.
Take what you will from the following passage:
"The Force (to a Jedi) is a unifying essence that radiates from all living things, binding the galaxy together. As with everything the Force has a dark side. The dark side of the Force is fed by hate, fear and aggression, domination and greed are what its followers hope for. To get it though they kill innocent beings, they destroy life. They want power but destroy the source of their power before they achieve it. AsJedi we must stop this senseless mutilation of life and of the Force. Remember this always for this is the greatest lesson aJedi must learn to become fully one with the Force."