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Avarice replied to the topic 'FA's failure to communicate' in the forum. 2 days ago

While I just joined this place, your unanswered discussion point may explain the activity level here. It has been my experience in a number of spaces that once people see the sort of censorship you’ve highlighted, they will eventually stop communicating. Initially, the drop isn’t obvious as those who supported the censorship will keep posting. However, within a few weeks to a few months, discussion stops. I reason this happens because without an opposing force, people will stagnate. 

All in all, great discussion points.


Avarice created a new topic ' Quite as a Tomb' in the forum. 2 days ago

Is this place even still active? Seems rather quiet.


Aqua replied to the topic 'Intro' in the forum. 2 weeks ago

I am probably way too late, (never mind of course lol) But welcome to this forum! <3


Nímueh and 18 others have joined the group Dark Aspect 2 weeks ago

Lotus is friends with Nímueh

Lotus changed Dark Aspect avatar 2 weeks ago
Setanaoko replied to the topic 'Entering the Cave' in the forum. 1 month ago

Assignment 19
This assignment is added based on the updated Jedi Compass (2024). 

When we think of emotions that can lead us down the wrong path, we often think of “negative” emotions such as anger, hatred, upset and the like. But these are not the only emotions that can lead us away from being in Harmony with the Force. Choose a “positive” emotion and explore how letting it rule your actions can cause you to lose sight of either a Jedi Ethic or Jedi Value outlined within the Jedi Compass.


Setanaoko replied to the topic 'Self-Awareness' in the forum. 1 month ago

Assignment 23This assignment is added to the curriculum as a result of the 2024 revision of the Jedi Compass.

Take the self-assessment below and rate yourself in each section. Looking over the section(s) you scored thelowest in, take some time to mediate and write down what you believe are the causes of your score being solow. Develop your own personalized self-care action plan based on each section of Mental Health Well-BeingSelf-Assessment you took in your last assignment.


Capstone Paper
Over the course of 7 classes you have explored the Jedi Compass and Jedi Code.  Each tenet is intended to work alongside each other and inform us of how to deal with life as a Jedi.  So for this paper you are going to be challenged to explain how the Jedi Compass and Code can be put into action in your personal life.
Think of a major decision you feel you were forced to make.  It doesn’t matter if you made the right choice at the time or the wrong one.  It just needs to be a difficult decision.  Looking back on it now, if you had the Jedi Compass and Jedi Code to help you decide what action to take, how would you have utilized the tenets within it?
Your paper should be a minimum of 7 Pages long in APA format (double-spaces, Times New Roman, 12pt, etc), not including title page or citation/bibliography pages (if any).


Setanaoko replied to the topic 'Entering the Cave' in the forum. 1 month ago

Assignment 18
This assignment is added based on the updated Jedi Compass (2024). 

Compassion- A Jedi draws strength and wisdom through their connections made with others. Compassion is the root of connection, and thus is the essential string that connects us all to each other and to the rest of the world. Decisions and actions made by all Jedi should be guided by compassion toward friend and foe alike.Compassion is probably more difficult to accomplish than “Positive Regard”. While there are lines in the sand that need to be drawn, knowing how to compassionately approach those situations can be the difference between a person doubling down, and them growing from the experience.
After watching the video below, discuss what you learned about Compassion that you previously had not considered.


Jeremiah Powers and 29 others have joined the group Shadow Explorers 2 months ago
Raven replied to the topic 'Greetings' in the forum. 3 months ago

Welcome back to the FA, Jeremiah. 
I can't say that I remember you but JP does seem familiar.  Regardless, make yourself at home we would love to hear how your path has developed over the years.


Jeremiah Powers created a new topic ' Greetings' in the forum. 3 months ago

Hey y'all  I'm  Jeremiah,
   I was a fixture around the old FA circa 2001-2005 amongst the shadows. Hung out in the chat a lot. Wondering if there might be anyone around who remembers me. I was always using my name Jeremiah Powers or JP, or maybe Darkaen on occasion. I've found my way back here with a clearer sense of my own path and I hope maybe I can make or remake connections here as well.


Inspherion replied to the topic 'What are you reading lately?' in the forum. 3 months ago

Hi, I would like to recommend some of Ken Wilber's works for the non-fiction fans out there.  Eye to Eye and Sex, Ecology and Spirituality are both fantastic works that are particularly relevant to the Jedi thing.


Inspherion created a new topic ' Intro' in the forum. 3 months ago

Hello to the Jedi minded folks of FA.  I am an old, old soul who feels called here for the Djedi thing.  I will share what I may freely and hope you other old souls would do the same...the time for a force awakening is at hand for this world.  As things stand at present, we as a species could go either way.  So much potential.


I say this a lot in the Discord server, but for those who may visit this discussion, please remember that Kabbalah is a closed Jewish practice that...

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