Destiny and Free Will

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I. Destiny - Is there a plan and purpose for the world, for Creation, for life?

To answer this, we must address this much like a Geometry theorem and prove this as a postulate. Let's start with our Given: a Creative Power does exist, which is itself uncreated and eternal. Which is possessed of intelligence and foresight. Belief in this is essential in order to move forward.

Proof #1 - Nature. Nature moves in set cycles and follows set natural and physical laws which govern it. Each living thing on earth has its own set lifespan and is interdependent upon the others. Plants pollinate, sprout and grow, to be eaten by herbivores, which are then preyed upon by carnivores. The planets spin on their axes in set formations, at precise angles, which never vary. The stars go through life cycles of their own, and the Cosmic Dance has a set pattern of steps.

Proof #2 - Evolution as taught in schools, namely macroevolution, or the "Big Bang theory" among other things, is highly improbable. This can be proven by an extensive treatise on physics and biochemistry (see if you want some neat papers on this). However, for reasons of brevity, let's just say that the odds against the Big Bang theory are not just long, but astronomical. Evolution maintains that the purpose of all life is to evolve from its present state into something more advanced and more able to survive. To that end, life picks up and adapts survival mechanisms which may have been discovered and developed, and passes them genetically to each generation. Correct? Yes, on a limited scale. Microevolution occurs quite often within a species, allowing for growth and adaptability. We see some interesting mutations in order for certain species to survive in certain areas or environments. The Creative Power set things up, for example, so that lions remain lions, but lions might, if they lived on snow-covered mountains, develop a thicker coat and a white camouflage coat. Look at the wonderful diversity of human beings, from the dark-skinned African, whose increased melanin (dark skin) allows for optimal sun exposure, to the stocky Eskimo whose slow metabolism and relatively high fat ratio allow survival in the bitter cold. However, all life sticks to the templates, and stays interdependent upon each other. We see no cross-breeding of species in any branch of biology. All things in nature remain in balance, and act according to their set function, i.e. lions hunt, kill and eat prey. This is not chance, not coincidence. This is the product of an omniscient, far-sighted Intelligence which planned all things before actually bringing them into existence.

Proof #3 - Why human beings? Why us? Face it, you run into people everywhere you go. No escaping that. So why are we here? Every culture has a Creation myth. Each culture has predominant philosophies to explain the fact - but these are only parts of the story. Let's look at the nature of this Creative Power. Why would the universe be created as it has been? Well, not to bring religion into it, but looking at the relationships between human beings, we can see that one fundamental need of humanity is a need for love, companionship and a return of love given. One philosophy states that the Creative Power was lonely and wanted companions. To that end, human beings were made in the that image, each with a spark of the Creative Power in them. And to human beings was given the task of populating the earth and being good stewards of creation - that is, using it wisely.

Proof #4 - Creative power. If you doubt the power of our words, look at what effect a compliment produces on a sullen, sad person. They smile and brighten immediately. OK, perhaps not much, but the change is there. Or look at what hurt and damage a cutting, sarcastic remark can cause. If you doubt the power of our dreams, look at the Taj Mahal, or the Statue of Liberty. Or at the public library system Andrew Carnegie established. If you doubt the power of our deeds, look at what civilizations human hands have wrought over the centuries from natural resources, hard work, and determination. Again, we each have a spark of Creative Power within us. We come to earth to co-create with the Creative Power to bring about that which has been fashioned on the spiritual plane into existence here on the physical. Each of us has a set Plan, a purpose, for our lives. We come to earth to learn, to grow, to experience, and to develop spiritually. To that end, we choose our genetic characteristics, our families and friends, our challenges and obstacles and so forth. In other words, we are creating ourselves as well as the world around us.

II. Free Will - Don't we make our own choices?

OK, so we have a set reason for our existence, and a specific purpose in our lives. And Creation follows an overall plan. Why all the foul-ups? We have read the Holocrons. And we have found out a little bit about each other at the Force Academy, and in our day-to-day lives? Why do some people learn and grow from their challenges, their pain, their experiences, and others allow their pain and hatred to fester and grow, eventually consuming them?

To answer this, we must look again at the spark of Creative Power within us. This Creative Power includes the power of choice. All life is a series of choices, and the progress of our lives depends on the consequences of the choices we make. Look at the template of our lives as a tree. There are many branches and many leaves on the tree - many ways in which to get to the top, but the tree grows in the same general direction, and remains a tree, no matter what part of it you happen to be looking at at any point in your climb.

This choice - consequence phenomena, or if A then B, follows a law, not of physics, but of the spiritual. Like attracts like. Our words and actions create energy, which can be either positive or negative. The energies we create attract like energies to it, and to us. You see this in the kind of people we attract around us. Positive intentions and thoughts attract positive energies, and positive people - and great works can be accomplished. Likewise the opposite is true. We have all seen people in the paralyzing grip of negative energies such as fear and depression which stifle any action they might take for change. Many philosophies and schools of thought recognize the importance of INTENTION in our words and actions, in order to achieve a desired effect.


Likewise, like spreads like. This is also known as the ripple effect. Our words and actions create negative and positive energies. These spread outward and impact others, who in their turn spread and impact, and so forth. Each act of kindness, love, joy and so forth we do touches another, who in turn shows kindness to others, and so on and on. Likewise, an act of anger, hurt, aggression, fear and so on spreads pain and hurt to others, who spread it to others in their turn. You may have heard the statement "The dog kicks the dog kicks the dog..." This is certainly true.

Each of us has the power to stop the spread of the ripples, to change and redirect the flow of energy. This can be done by countering an act of negative energy with one of positive energy, or vice versa. We learn in chemistry that opposite polarities neutralize each other. However, in the spiritual realm, and on this plane, the energies balance each other, and they carry lessons to their creators. We can show others the power of love, agape, by living this love. Not easy, but very effective when done in a proper manner using the three branches in balance. Likewise, we can learn much from someone who does us a hurt by studying them, studying their motivations, understanding where they are coming from and working with them through compassion (not pity, but active, caring compassion) to help them to learn, grow and even heal. To spread the light of the Jedi to all around us.

III. Faith

Believe it or not, this concept is what ties destiny and free will together. We all accept the fact that there is a Force, which cannot be accessed through the five senses. There is no actual scientific proof that the Force exists, yet it is a palpable reality to all Force adepts. Not all people can feel the Force, and for those who cannot feel or sense the Force, the Force does not exist. Faith is the belief in something that cannot be proven. Faith is trusting that there is a Plan and purpose for our lives. Think of the Plan again operating in our lives as a tree. Each decision that you make is a branch on the tree. The tree remains a tree (the basic template for your life) but the branches of free will provide you with an infinite number of ways of exploring that tree and evolving.

Along with faith goes intention. We choose to have faith, just as we choose everything else that we do, everything else that we are, in our lives. If you say "I choose to be a Jedi" and have faith in your Path to reveal itself, and have faith in yourself to do the necessary work and growth, to meet the necessary challenges, that is good. However, if you do not have the proper intentions - a desire to help others, a desire to learn and to grow, to seek knowledge for its own sake and not just to earn a title or a rank - all else is lost. You have heard the statement "You are what you eat" many times. Likewise, you are what you THINK - what you believe yourself to be.

It is important to mention that, while faith and the accompanying intention are needed to progress, all that is really required to start down the Path is an open mind and a willingness to explore and suspend disbelief until you can "prove" to yourself that the Force is "real" (subjectively at least). Many people who start on the spiritual path with a very healthy cynicism and questioning attitude have to get knocked back on their heels a few times before any faith develops. The Universe has a tendency to regard skeptics with amusement.

The path a Jedi follows can be long, lonely and often extremely difficult. At times you will feel unbearable pain and extreme fear. You may become depressed at times. You will come to a point where you must face and accept your Dark Side and your weaknesses as well as your strengths. You will come to a deeper knowledge of yourself than you thought possible. This is not meant to scare you. Only to instruct. No matter what the obstacles we face, the end result remains the same. To get to our goal, we must face and get past the obstacles. And faith is the ultimate tool to allow us to do this successfully.

May the Force be with you, and may you rest in the love and care of the Divine.

Tags: Light Aspect

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