Let Justice Guide  

on . Posted in Light Content. Hits: 921

*MACE WINDU turns the viewing screen off and nods toward YODA.*

YODA Good, good, young one. How feel you?

ANAKIN Cold, sir.

YODA Afraid are you?

ANAKIN No, sir.

MACE WINDU Afraid to give up your life?

ANAKIN I don't think so. *ANAKIN hesitates for a moment.*

YODA See through you, we can.

MACE WINDU Be mindful of your feelings...

KI-ADI Your thoughts dwell on your mother.

ANAKIN I miss her.

YODA Afraid to lose her..I think.

ANAKIN (a little angry) What's that got to do with anything?

YODA Eveything. Fear is the path to the dark side... fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate.. hate leads to suffering.

ANAKIN (angrily) I am not afraid!

YODA A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. I sense much fear in you.

ANAKIN (quietly) I am not afraid.

YODA Then continue, we will.

A Light Jedi is a judge. A light Jedi is also not judgmental. With the Force as her ally she is able to practice discernment rather than judgmentalism.

A Jedi must herself be impartial, cautious, merciful and of pure morals. In practicing discernment the motive must be to distill the truth, through kindness liberate the essence that may be trapped in the icy clasp of fear, anger or despair. Always aware of the grave responsibility, always conscience that the errors she may discern in others she may herself possess.

In addition, while also practicing a balanced self preservation, a Jedi invested with the power to discern must not sequester this ability - but rather use it uprightly, dispassionately and with impartiality -without any personal attachment to the power of the mighty, the bribery of the Hutts or the needs of the lost.

A Jedi practices empathy, always placing oneself in the shoes of the other. If one was in a strange and foreign land, without shelter, food, water or money - would she be tempted to take an apple from the marketplace? What if it was not her own mouth to feed, but that of a little one she is charged with the care of?

Are we not all 9 missed meals away from entering into behavior that could be considered unjust?

A Light Jedi in the practice of discernment lives by these words:

"Judge not, lest ye yourselves be judged: for whatsoever judgement ye measure unto others, the same shall in turn be measured unto you." [Matt 7:1-2]

Tags: Light Aspect

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