Warrior ways of Enlightenment

on . Posted in Shadow Content. Hits: 860

The warrior's way of enlightenment is a process of releasing all restraints on the three level's of being.

The first level of being would happen to be the most obvious, the physical.

In the process of releasing the physical form we will do a lot of excersizes that will encompass principles such as Natural movement, and the honing of the reflexes so that they do not react in undesired ways.

When training in the physical form it is important to remember that even though it is a physical body we travel in, the force still creates it and indeed is it...even walking is a force power. Without the force providing energy to life, no such movement or existence could be possible...so from now on the question isn't how do I find my abilities...but how do I expand them...they are already present on ALL LEVELS...however we simply neglect those abilities as run of the mill or something less than worth our attention. This is not the case, quite to the contrary, if you do indeed wish to be successful on the warrior path than you must first learn that value of the most mundane of existance.

So from now on, when you do your exercizes, whatever they may be, go through them with an awareness towards them. Watch how you move, and if something is uncomfortable, DO NOT TRY TO FIGHT IT, accept it. The way of the force is not the way of struggle but the way of acceptance. Stretching, when doing this keep in mind that it is a process of letting go, and not of forcing a stretch...all things in your life should be accomplished with a few considerations in mind.

1) Keep it natural, do not force anything, accept everything.

2) Do not hesitate, despite all of the nature films Hesitation and indeed fear are not natural to human beings. They linger from our evolution from animals...animals process fear for the simple reason that there core ambition and indeed only ambition is the survival of their species...for a warrior this is not the case. We must realize that life is a gift to all beings, but that gift like any other should not be held over others head's or be overly protective of...Fear in itself is a Defense Mechanism. We as Force adepts do not need fear, because one of the very first things we learn is that our existence is simply within the force, and if it is the will of the force that we be injured or indeed killed than there is no need to fear that. If it is the will of the force that we fight back, we do so. Never Fear, Never hesitate.

3) Never be reckless, never pursue your goal when it is against the will of the force.

4) Live, do not worry about walking the path, or if your doing something right, Just live.

Once you pass the plane of Physical existence and allow yourself to expand, we move into the realm of the mind, The mind in essence is the ultimate Conduit/Computer. It is an interpreter and a receiver of Data. The data comes from the force, and that is indeed how we decern the will of the force, through our minds...However the mind like all "Lenses" can become smudged and the image Muddled. So to make sure our mind is interpreting the will of the force correctly we must know how to properly clean it. The process of cleaning the mind is Called Unlearning.

In Unlearning we will discover how our perceptions determine our reality. Reality, and the world around us can only exist, TO US, when our mind interprets the data. HOW our mind interprets that data directly determines our reality, and indeed the will of the force, I.E. Someone sitting next to you breaks a bottle over the edge of a bar and threatens you with it, If this is a total stranger and he does it out of the blue for no Reason our perceptions determine how we view this as a threat.

Our perceptions from an earth level of existence would determine that you have done nothing to bring it on and it is an unprovoked attack that you do not feel the need to respond to or back away from.

From a water level we would become defensive, and wonder what we did to upset this person in such a way.

From a Fire stance we would see someone threatening our lives and the the feelings of all of those who love you, thus induce a blinding rage against the attacker and summarily enter the fight.

From a Wind stand point we would evaluate the attack in such a way as to consider outside causes for this person's distress and why he feels the need to be aggressive, our mood would be one of sorrow for the man's situation.

All of those perceptions of life are in order of progression, we all start on the earth level and progress our way up...our perceptions from birth our molded into one of those categories. Some people never develop beyond Earth level. For those people their lives are often filled with a feeling of impotency and loss. However Like I have said, we as Force users strive to find the perception that will allow us to interpret the force properly.

This perception is beyond the other four perception and is called the Void Perception.

The void represents sub atomic particles, the in finiteness of the force, the basic building blocks for the universe, infinite creativity.

From a Void stance the you would be able to look upon the person and see not a man menacing you with a beer bottle, but you would see the hurt and pain and sorrow of a man who feels he has hit the absolute point of no return, you would literally see a "Disturbance in the Force" where the force has over ridden itself and has moved into the process of evolving itself...Much like a fire burns down a forest so that new life can grow...in such situations the disturbance in the force will actually "Repel" you into the right action, your movements and intentions will flow from this disturbance, the energy given off will allow you to move with his every whim, until the burning of evolution in the force is complete and the disturbance is no more.

This is the perception we desire in order to interpret the will of the force.

How do we attain this perception. Like all things we must progress naturally through the four other perceptions in order to reach the fifth...Each perception comes with a Revelation that allows you to spring board yourself to the next...

For the sake and fact that I have not trained everyone of you out there I will not tell you the revelation that allows you to move from wind to void...simply because without understanding all of the others you will not understand the last...and also like all things it will not become a revelation if it is simply TOLD to you, it must become a part of you...something that you discover on your own.

Once we open the pathway's of the mind and clean the "Lense" that allows us to view the will of the force, our mind has been surpassed and now we move to the final level of the spirit, at this point you have earned the rank of Master, your mind has seen beyond the Supposed reality it creates and has viewed the infinite potential of the force. From here on your journey is that of an artist, painting with the vast power that is the force.

The spirit level is essentially the energy that drives the universe, once you have opened the gateway of the mind, this energy will flow freely between spirit and physical realms...Being guided by your will this energy will play itself in whatever means you desire...With this gift and accomplishment comes great responsibility one that is recognized through discipline and the stamina it takes to question your own existance and beliefs and push yourself beyond anything imagined...

Tags: The Shadows Early Shadow Teachings

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