People and Life

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Greets :)

Lets start with an example that I can work with here...Two people are taking a test. One person is considered a genius. The other person is considered retarded. They take their test and when they get their grades back...the retarded person gets a higher score....why?

Everybody is equal. Some people feel superior to other people..they choose to feel that way because...they are insecure about their real authority and stance in public. Everybody in reality is but a leaf in a raging stream. The leaf..for the most part is does not matter which leaf is bigger or thicker. All of the leaves are trapped in the rage of the stream. Only instead of leaves in a stream...we are humans...even other organisms are trapped in the flow of the Force or life. As everyone is equal..there are flaws in the one who is considered smarter or stronger than another....flaws that make that person average. In the person that is considered less smart or weaker there a great talents which make that person average. Both these people are they are is society that places labels on things. It is society that makes the genius smarter and it is society that make the retard not smart. In reality both have the same chance of getting an A on the test.

May The Force Be With You Everywhere And May It Be Your Armor

Bah-Zaam Shouzin

All things, which have a connection to the force have the same unlimited potential...never judge from anything but pure insight through the force. Excellent lesson, Bah.


The only thing that limits one's connection to the force is one's own mind, if you are open, the force will flow through you..And by this I mean everything, from doing homework, to playing an instrument, to practicing martial arts..Your willingness to allow yourself to just flow and ride the currents of the force will dictate what you can do, if you think you can't do something, you won't do it..plain and simple..We all have an unlimited amount of potential..The mind has no limits, and so neither do we.


Very good...we know we have unlimited potential and we know how to access it...but how do we control it?

JarJar could shed some light on control.



This is continuing my post is more on the perceptions side though.

First...if you get in any kind of have at least five senses...use them. Looks can be deceiving...your eyes are not always what are called on to deal with a particular reality...if you were attuned to the Force enough..and had good enough hearing, smell, etc, you wouldn't need your eyes. Often..what you see isn't really what is going on. In the way I see it..there are two main levels of this. The first one is assumptions from sight. You see two people hitting each go over and try to break it up because you think they are fighting...but they are really just congratulating each other on a hole in one at miniature golf. The second is deceptions and background happenings. You see a man giving a speech in the park..he is preaching for his religion. There is a big crowd around him intently think that he is the center stage..he is what is going on now. What you don't know is that there is a man in the woods planning to kill this man or even you. The man in the woods planning on murdering somebody has a much more important role than the preacher. The preacher in reality..his role is to unintentionally distract people as the man in the woods gets ready for his attack.

Now think about some alternatives that could have happened. If you were attuned to the Force you may have felt this man's intent in the woods..maybe not. If you were using your sense of smell you may have noticed the smell of gunpowder because this man was using a shot gun. If you were using your sense of hearing, you may have noticed all the noise this man was making as he tried to load his gun quietly which for him makes it louder. Taste and touch wouldn't help you as much here...but there are situations where they could be used. Instead of using your ears, your nose, or the Force, you used your eyes..your eyes told you the preacher was giving a speech. Many people died because of it. Now I am not saying that you should utterly forget about your eyes..and think everything you see isn't what it seems....just take into account what your other senses are trying to tell you.

May The Force Be With You Everywhere And May It Be Your Armor Bah-Zaam Shouzin

Favorite quote of Ulfric.

"The universe is only as real as you perceive it to be..."


Having been given access to this conference, I guess I should post something on this topic after Shinobi tossed one of my favorite quotes into this conference. In relation to a very interesting topic. Even though I picked up the quote from you Justin :-)

We are all equal in the eyes of the Force. As human beings we are all the same. A Hindu, a German, an English man, or even the guy with insanely baggy pants walking down the corner of main street with a nose ring hanging down like he is a bull or something. All of them are human, they all have emotions. If you cut us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh?

However if you relate this to a persons potential in the Force...well that is a slightly different thing. Yes, I believe that everyone has the potential to be able to work the Force and the Elements. Yet while I was at a trade show today a small child's hand brushed against my own and I felt a massive amount of energy trickled from his hand to my own. I felt the energy crackling along my own hand for the next few minutes as I searched around for him without too much luck.

We all have the potential, but some are more awake to that potential then others. Some seem to have more of a natural talent at this sort of thing then most.

Now as for the second part of this...The main point is that we have to be focused so that we are able to use all of your senses to there fullest ability to be able to relate to all of your environment. Thus being able to react accordingly when the time is right. Flowing with what the surroundings dictate.

May you walk with the five elements.


I am sure that you did feel much more energy from the child.

But could it not be that as that same child gets older that power will deminish as he is taught that such things do not exist...and that he is wasting his time in a foolish pursuit?

Perception can free or constrain power...


As life goes on we are taught that the world we live in is a world based on rules. When one is an innocent child, there are no rules. We have to learn once again that the only rules that apply are the ones that we make ourselves. There are no real limits save the ones your mind makes up.

Am I beginning to sound too much like Morpheus from the Matrix yet?

May you walk with the five elements.


Don't rely on him, but he is an excellent teacher.

This world has no rules...we are not in a computer system, but we can tap into a spiritual energy that drives the universe's very creation...that renders a computer system obsolete.

The doors of fate are open for those who know they seek truth...


True we are all equal in the eyes of the force. The limits of our potential and mind is only the ones we put on them because society has been led to tell us that certain things are right or wrong and possible and impossible. But they are in part only limiting themselves.

"the limits of the human mind are only those in which are placed but if you learn to release those limits you will become invincible!

It is an exhilarating discovery

to realize that

your souls own heart

is the most knowledgeable priest

that you can find.


Beauty is achieved when the make up is removed and the ambition of vanity is forever a memory.


Computer systems are greatly misinterpreted and I think they could be another great example here. Computers, like us humans (although some of us are barely human *g*) have infinite potential. The only thing that limits them is the software which they are programmed with. True different hardware lets it do different things, but if the software was right it could do that anyway. How? Well an unusual example here would be the Terminator movies. A simple chip, no more with the software capacity to learn took over other bits of machinery and in the end grew large enough to take over the whole world.

Give a computer the capacity to reprogram itself, just like the capacity a human has and it will do. We are programmed in the same way with limits by society, but we have the capacity to reprogram ourselves. Listen to them, they can provide valuable insight into each aspect of yourself which will help you reprogram. See your capacity and use it, the possibilities are endless.

Take Care and be mindful.


I like this, kind of a total equality :0) Ahh equality...there's an idea for another post :0) I got a few things to say on that.

Now your example of the man in the woods is saying to use your other senses to aid you in locating such things, or simply anything...the ultimate in observance. The thing is that you say that your eyes deceive you, they do not if you use them to their full potential. In the example you would only have been looking at the preacher. You have to use ALL of your senses to the fullest ALL of the time. For instance you could have looked around more, observed everything and spotted the man in the woods with your eyes. It doesn't matter which sense first picks up something, when you notice it use all of your senses, all of the viewpoints you can get before you act. It will let you form a much more accurate view on the object or event.

Take Care and be mindful


Tags: The Shadows Contemplations and Journey

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