Telekinesis, of sorts

on . Posted in Shadow Content. Hits: 1143

Weather control ::

I thought that I'd share with you all something from my personal bag of tricks :) Whether you've heard of it, can do it, or are just curious, read on. This is just one of those nice little skills that really isn't all that hard once you get the hang of it, though it can be REALLY difficult at first go. Bear with it, and soon it'll work.

Well, I'm going to talk about using the fine art of telekinesis to affect the weather. With practice, and in time, it's possible to do anything from slight breezes to a pretty good thunder storm. But, as we all know, the weather is finicky and unpredictable. Well, without too much more rambling... The weather.

OK, well, to be able to do this, it's very essential that you are able to focus, control and direct your thoughts. I suppose that you can control the weather during meditation, though I've never attempted to do it that way. It's just like normal telekinesis, except that what you're focusing on isn't really all that tangible. It's kind of like focusing on an essence.

So, let's begin...

In the beginning, I found it easier to just close my eyes, and only feel the weather, rather than see it. Kinda gave me a better sense of understanding than seeing it could give me. That might just be me. Whatever works for you.

Well, close your eyes, and breathe calmly. Begin focusing your self. In every breath, know that as you breathe in, you are breathing in the weather, as you breathe out, each breath is becoming apart of it. Focus on the breathing being a part of the weather. Feel the weather. Don't just feel the energy of the weather, but the very sense of it, the essence.

Continue doing this until you reach that point where you are a part of the weather, along with your breath. Shut off all feelings of hot or cold. Just feel the breeze if there is one, or the rays of the sun, as if they were tangible.

After reaching that point, begin to let your mind flow free of your body. Not like Astral Projection, but as like an extended consciousness. The feeling of being more than you. Of being a part of that same weather which you are in. Feel your mind wrap around you, over you, as it extends toward the sky. Feel what the weather feels, every surface, every leaf and limb. As you begin to do this, seek out the center of the sky above you. The epicenter of sky.

Feel the consciousness of it. The sense of it. The "grandness" of it.

Find it, touch it, contact it. Merge your mind with it. Your thoughts become the weather's thoughts. The weather's thoughts become your thoughts... All the while, keep yourself rooted in your body. It would not be good to become unattached from it now, or at any other part in this exercise.

As your thoughts merge, gently take the reins of the weather. The more you have done this, the easier it will be, and the less time it will take you.

Gently guide the weather in the path that you wish it, either a change of direction or a change of weather type. If you establish a good enough link with it, you just really get to "sit back and enjoy" so to speak...

  • NOTE* Simple winds and the such are rather easy to do, but the more forceful the weather, the harder it becomes for you.**

Also worth noting, the longer time you spend in a single period controlling the weather, the harder it will become to keep doing what you are doing. The weather is a natural event, and, well, nature isn't really ever controlled.

Don't be too surprised if you have a good link and really can't get a response. The weather sometimes has a tendency to do what it wants at it's own pace. Kind of like "Sometimes you win, sometimes, just don't even play :)"

When you are done with your little venture with the weather, gently let your mind slip away from the epicenter and gently return to your own body. Doing this too fast, well, can leave you rather sore, and with a terrible headache, or a little lacking in control for a second, kind of like whenever you get disoriented, because you really are. You're disoriented in you own body... Not a feeling I recommend.

Mind you, this is just my way of doing things, and can be changed to better suit the individual performing. Just keep in mind the little warnings, notes, and whatnot, and you should perform rather well, after practice.

On the note of practice, well, with sufficient practice,you can reduce time time necessary to get "established" with the epicenter to something like a few seconds.

Have fun, and don't get too reckless or careless!

Xaverri Darkcleod

Okay Xav, I have one question to ask you over this: What are the potential benefits and drawbacks that may come around as a result of controlling the weather as apposed to leaving it in its natural cycle?

Colin Waring

Harmony Xaverri, commanding is simple enough, however knowing and being at peace with the outcome of that demand are two different things.

Equilibrium should not be toyed with, there are infinite factor's and variables that most often cannot be accounted for. Ripples.

See if you can discover the wisdom of such commands?


I know this isn't what a few of you are searching for, and wanting me to say, but there are things that I hold back on... Said reasons for doing, are, in part, one of them... It is only something that I will briefly touch upon, and leave the rest to the winds, so to speak. Part of this whole topic, and the things that it employed, go back to something else which I am a part of... Something that I found before teh FA, and am still in the process of blending cultures together... Though there are a few times to which I do, admittedly, change the weather, mostly, I just let my consciousness ride with it, seeking things from a different perspective.. In comes peace and better understanding... Some things, I cannot answer, and there are some that I will not. All I can say is that we learn for ourselves, and thus should we...

Xaverri Darkcleod

Until I can manage to get more frequent access to this forum I will refrain from posting my gigantically long reply on weather magick other than to say that it is not really something to be toyed with on a large scale. Though the manipulation of small scale storms will not produce any real adverse affects. Please note that I am the guy that is the cause of the Ontario Ice storm a few years back. Though being that a fair portion of you don't live around here that will be pretty much meaningless to you.

I also back up Colin on his presentation as to how teachers are 'suppose' to teach. He is expressing the old Socratic method of teaching which involves simply questioning and nothing more nor less. Which, while it does work rather well, it does get a tad annoying if performed to the extreme.

Arithion, Mage of the Mists.

Tags: The Shadows The Force

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