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I believe training is focusing on something to make yourself better at that one thing.(Although you could train in several area at a time) Such as Physical Training taking time to make yourself stronger, faster, whatever.

the student role in training is to reach whatever goals the have set for themselves. The teachers role is to help them reach that goal the best that they can.

well it depends on what goals you have set for yourself some goals will last a lifetime others will be resolved in a day. My training will probably be a lifetime one.

as for me I'm here to explore gain knowledge learn about what I believe in and what others do as well.

Jes Ree

Your point on the length of goals is well noted, one may have many goals. Training is life and how to accomplish your goals and will continue as long as you do.

And for you, Raven, the terms student and teacher are interchangeable between the two or more person in the relationship depending upon how you look at it. Each person learns something, each person teaches something. Training is not a one way thing but more a symbiotic relationship in which all parties benefit.

Take Care and be mindful


Training. Everyone does it in one way or another. It's a life long journey, but what exactly is it? I believe that it is the process of teaching ones self new things. Whether it be learning a new skill like playing soccer (training the Body), learning how to speak a new language (training the mind), or taking a martial art and training both the mind and body together. It's all the same. The whole trick to training is to make the action natural, where you needn't think on it to perform it. Training is all about repeating the same thing time and time again, but it must be done correctly each time or nothing is being learned. As the saying goes "practice makes perfect" unless practiced incorrectly.

There are two important roles that must be filled for training to occur. First there must be a student and second is the teacher. The role of the student is obviously to learn, however, there is much that goes into this. The student's job is to ask questions and then have the ability to take the answer given with a grain of salt. The student must question everything that comes their way. This is how the student learns. By questioning everything that comes at them they are able to fully understand. But how does the student know what questions they should be asking? This is where the Teacher comes in. The teachers' job is to help the student find the questions to ask. Then point them in the right direction to find the answers they seek. The real trick of being a teacher is not in give the answer, but in showing the students how to find the answer for themselves. The teacher must show the student that the best part of learning is the journey.

Now that I have stated this the final question is what do I hope to gain from all of this training. I must say at first I was at a loss for words. Luckily Sauron happened to be in chat and help me find an answer (thank you Chris). I hope to gain Understanding, mostly of myself but also of the world around me. I believe that once I understand myself I can look within and understand my actions and change them if needed, but also predict how I will react in the future. This will also help me with new situations that I might encounter along my journey and help me solve them quickly and efficiently without worrying if I made the wrong decision.

Life is learning and adapting without it there is nothing. So in closure may you never stop learning and may life never stop throwing strange and unusual information at your feet for you to find and enjoy.

I did not intend it to be one way. The teacher can become the student and vice versa. I was just giving a name to explain what happens for each. The teacher need not remain the teacher. :)


Well one thing you should hopefully pick up on quickly is that you have to say everything...leave as little as you can for another person to assume, I don't really need to go too far into this but look at the latest string of events in the dark discussion forum.

Take Care and be mindful


Tags: The Shadows Who Are the Shadows?

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