The Unmapped Labyrinth

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I did my first labyrinth, it was one that was not planned and as far as I know something that was not done yet. It was an unmapped labyrinth. When I showed up at Legacy Park in Greenville me and Master Alethea (Ally) Thompson where hoping more showed up but it ended up just being the two of us so after a few minutes of talking about how life was going for me as I have had a few things happen that are hard for me. We seen a perfect opportunity to do a labyrinth. Master Ally seen a tree in almost a perfect circle of mulch but with a bench in with it and picked it to be the labyrinth. When we got to it she asked if I could picture a spiral to the tree. I said yes and this was the first step into something I was not ready for.

After picking the sound (it was Celtic meditation music) and standing at the West Gate I started to spiral counter clockwise heading in to the tree with thinking about the passing year and all that has happen the hurt, the growth, the new me that I have made in the year 2018. I started with the break-up of me and my girlfriend of close to 3 years and the mother of my son. Then I gone into the growth of myself as a Jedi as I have grown in my path to be the best Jedi I can be. I was thinking of how I have made new friends and lost old ones with the actions but how the old ones where almost like weights holding me back and that they are not truly friends or needed as they hurt me more than help me. The next thing was me taking in all the good that I have done and the ones that I have helped. This was a big thing as I use to do things for others for well look what I did but I have moved from that and do not care who knows and who does not know. Moving back to my son I started to think of all the ways I helped him not just as a father but as a friend and how my actions show him what do and how a human should treat others. The last thing I was thinking about as I got to the tree was how I have let the things that hurt me that I was holding onto like the death of my grandfather and my how my father raised me go. ​​

I was at the tree for a little bit thinking about how even it was a hard year it ended well it is just all how I look at thingsand how my prospective of life is what make things good or bad. I started to think of my goal and came to "Master the new me" as my main goal. This kick started me thinking about the New Year and starting to walk away from the tree in a spiral away from the tree counter clockwise. Thinking about this Main goal I started to make more along the way out that would in my mind help me master myself and help me along the New Year.  The first was to let this new me that I have formed grow, grow into the person I am and don’t let others stop me. Second was show the Jedi family I have found that I can be a great help this flows into the third goal, to post/blog or do a video one time a month or more about something going on in the Jedi family or something I think is needed. The Forth is to do my final on the class I started at Armonia Seminary. Fifth is to help Master Ally become a master in the Jedi Federation and help her do what is needed. The last thing well that is a goal I set for the last two years and going to set every year and it has come to a new light this year and that is to help my son grow not just as a kid growing and learning but to show him with my actions that humans can do great good if we want to and to help him grow as a human.  As I was thinking about all this and walking out I seen that Master Ally started her walk and that is when something happen she started counter clockwise as well and along the way our path was the same for some time.

When I got out of the Labyrinth I came out the North Gate (Earth) as she was just getting to the center where the tree was. For me this was a sign I was on the right path as well the Earth is about growth and life. I started to write notes of what I just did and waited for Master Ally to get done with hers this is where things where even a little more odd as she did not go out the West gate either, but the South Gate (Fire). We went back to the pavilion to talk over our goals and carve are main one into a candle, that we were to burn that night before the New Year to symbolize us telling the universe our goal and if you wanted to ask a god to help you along the way. This was something that helped me greatly and even opened my eyes that even in the bad I can see the good it is up to me and how I want to understand things. It is something I hope to do every year now as it was a great time.  

Live strong and Live well!

Tags: Light Aspect meditation Releasing the Year

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