Concepts of Meditation

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We, as a human race, limit our expansive mind and body. We think too small. We erroneously, exclusively identify ourselves, and who we are, with our body. When, in reality, we are a conscious mind infinitely connected to the universe and its contents. We are made up of billions of tiny cells working together to form a physical unit. Each cell grows, divides, withers, and sheds; they’re always in constant kinetic motion. Each cell is made up of trillions of atomic molecules, which constantly are moving, changing shape, and nourishing our chemical needs. Our whole physical being is made up of pre-atomic energy that has existed since the theorized “Big Bang”.

This is the same energy that creates all life, flowing constantly and interacting invariably along a system of constant nourishment. Continually recycling itself, it grows each day. “All life on this planet is in movement. The continents that comprise and contain all the landmasses are in constant motion as are the oceans. The earth itself is spinning around itself as well as in an orbit that pulls on and is pulled by its sister planets and their moons as it and they revolve around the sun. The whole solar system is revolving as it spins around our galaxy. The Milky Way and its one hundred billion stars are moving in concert with billions of other galaxies that are traveling around our local galactic cluster and the billions of galactic clusters are combining and intersecting to form uncountable super galactic clusters that make up our ever expanding Universe.”

We are part of this chain of energy and matter, connected to all life in the universe. We share a central core of kinetic energy that flows in our every movement. Know that your body extends much further than the skin and bones that create your physical shape. You are one with the energy of the universe. Your life flows from the core of the universal energy. You are one with the Universe.

Accompanying Meditation Technique: Evolution-

Sit comfortably in a position that keeps you most at peace (be it lying in bed, sitting cross-legged, standing up, etc.). Visualize your body at an atomic level and recognize the connection you share with the entire Universe. Don’t analyze or critique; just visualize your connection. Repeat one saying over and over in your mind… “I am infinite. I am infinite. I am infinite.” Then, quiet your mind for a moment. What do you see? What do you feel? Continue this as long as you deem necessary.


Learning focus is analogous to a baby learning to crawl; it’s the first step in attaining freedom of movement. We find walking and running simple, yet superior ways to reach a location, just as we will find meditation and contemplation superior ways to reach infinite locations.

We limit our actions through meditation and concentration, thus we are commanding our mind, body, and emotions to stay focused on the task at hand. This is the very thing that disables our ability to reach a level of Contemplation. Contemplation requires us to let go of our concentration and institute the infinite Cosmic Consciousness. Only a release of all limiting qualities will liberate our subconscious and allow a state of Contemplation to take over. “To fly high, we cannot tie ourselves to the ground in any way. The more we let go, the more we soar and the moment we let go completely is the moment we attain the infinite.”

Jnana Yoga: Extracted from:

“Jnana Yoga is the yoga of wisdom. Basically it directs us to come to know the reality of who and what our Real Self is. Who and what we are is consciousness and we are at one with the source of all things and all consciousness. One of the methods Jnana Yogis use for coming to the realization of our oneness is stimulated by meditating on certain phrases such as "That thou art", "Consciousness is Brahman (The supreme Reality)", "I am Brahman", and "This Self is Brahman". Of these, it is said that the first, "That thou art", is the greatest and gives birth to the other three. For centuries seekers of Enlightenment have meditated on these statements and enjoyed the divine reward they sought. In these turbulent times it is still appropriate to spend time and energy in contemplation on these liberating concepts. It is also worthwhile to meditate on other concepts. The criteria we must use to determine if a concept or technique is "good for us" is very simple - if it brings you peace, it is. And if it causes you to lose your peace, it is "bad". In Jnana, virtually everything that deals with becoming less ego-centered and more universal in perspective is considered beneficial and worth meditating on. Here are a few thoughts that may bring you peace...

1. Only the selfish suffer.

2. In this Now, everything’s sweet.

3. You are not apart from the universe; you are not "here" and the rest of the universe "there". You are a part of the universe, at one with it.

4. The only thing telling you something’s wrong is your mind. Nevermind!

5. Time is subjective. Be objective - don’t let time subject you. Whenever anything happens, it is the right time for it to occur.

6. Your body is a collection of atoms that has changed its’ construction and composition 100% since you first started reading this. You are not your body. You are that which can witness its’ changes.

7. The tongue is the hardest sense instrument to tame. Our need to comment is obsessive and compulsive. Chasing after taste bud pleasure is slavery. Witness your inner silence and be free.

8. It is good not to suffer. But suffering helps you grow because it makes you strong, compassionate, and humble. These are very good qualities. So suffering is also good. When you realize this, you can give thanks and praise when you don’t suffer and when you do. Stop suffering from thinking suffering is only something that makes you suffer.

9. Your inner Real Self is beautiful, pure, luminous, and glorious. This essence is yours eternally. Don’t worry for a second about your external beauty. If you’re in touch with your inner beauty, your outer beauty will be beautiful.

10. If you help less, you will be helpless.

11. Every breath is a gift of love from above. Fill with this love with every inhale and send it out with every exhale.

12. The most serene person is the most selfless person. The saddest person is the most selfish person.”

Tags: Light Aspect meditation

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